5 Benefits of Installing a Digital Sign Outside of a Business

Not too long ago, only large corporations could afford digital signs. However, that is no longer the case. Thanks to technological advances, digital signs are accessible to all businesses. Discover five benefits of installing a digital sign outside of your business.

1- Cost-Effective

Some business owners shy away from digital signs because they believe they are too expensive. It is just the opposite, though. Look over your marketing expenses. How much do you spend on paper and printing products?

The sign installation is expensive. Though, once you install the sign, that is it. There may be some maintenance needs, but those fees are relatively small. Business owners can change the sign contents as often as they like with no additional charges.

2- Customer Engagement

Many experts will argue that print advertising is still an effective way to engage customers. They may be correct to a point. If your mail campaign brings in customers, you do not want to stop printing flyers. However, if your in-store flyers and signs are not catching the customers’ attention, it is time to make a change.

Customers may not notice a small sale sign in a window and keep going by. A sign with colorful flashing lights will stop people. Put your sign to the test. Run a promotion or discount for people who enter your business because of your sign.

3- Environmental Factors

Manufacturers make digital signs to withstand harsh weather. There is no need to worry about easels and handmade signs blowing away in a storm or getting ruined by snow or rain.

Not only are digital signs made to withstand the elements, they are also environmentally friendly. Businesses use a lot of paper to advertise their company. Printing flyers, brochures, and posters are wasteful, especially if they do not result in more business. If your business is environmentally conscious, there are digital screens that are energy-saving.

4- Target Advertising

Thanks to technology, changing a message on a digital sign is simple and quick. It is easy for a business to change its message as often as it wants. For example, you run a hair salon. You notice after lunch, there are always parents walking by your salon with the children. So, to bring some of that traffic into your salon, you change your sign right before lunch to entice parents to bring their kids in for a haircut. After the rush, you change the sign back to promote other specials.

5- Time is Money

A digital sign will save you time. How often do you change that traditional sign outside of your business? Not as much as you should. When you make your posters, signs, and flyers, how much time do you spend? Not only do you have to create and print them, but you also need to distribute or hang them up. In any business, time is money. Changing the digital sign is as simple as opening your laptop, updating the current message, and deploying it. In minutes, you have a new sign. Now, you have more time to take care of other business matters.

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Eden Ellis

Eden Ellis, a Business Strategist with an MBA, specializes in corporate strategy, market analysis, and entrepreneurship. His experience with multinational corporations and startups provides a unique lens through which he examines business dynamics, offering actionable insights for companies navigating the complexities of the modern business environment.
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