6 Easy Tips for Keeping the AC Running During Extreme Heat

The summer is here, and so is the heat! Enjoying the summer sun might be fun for the afternoon, but few things feel as wonderful as returning to a cool, air-conditioned home to rest during the worst of the afternoon heat. During the summer months, it might be tempting to run your AC at full blast to cool down fast, but this is not always a good idea. If you want your AC to run smoothly and efficiently, there are some vital steps to take during the warmer months of the year. Failure to properly maintain your AC might result in the unit giving out sooner than expected, which is costly to fix or replace. Follow these six steps to keep your AC running this summer.

1- Change the Filters

When was the last time you changed your AC’s filter? If you can’t remember, it’s time to change it. Experts recommend changing the filters every month, or at least every three months, especially if your pets shed. This increases the unit’s efficiency, keeping it from working harder to maintain the temperature.

2- Shade the Outdoor Unit

The outdoor portion of the HVAC system has many moving parts that generate heat and friction as they work. Adding a shade or hedge keeps the unit cooler, which is beneficial because a hotter unit must work harder. Be sure to keep enough clearance around the unit so a breeze can circulate.

3- Clean the Coils

Make sure your coils are clean, as dirty coils are far less efficient. You can do this yourself by removing the panel on the outdoor unit and hosing down the coils, making sure any dirt or debris gets flushed out. This should be done annually.

4- Set Your Thermostat Higher

Should you set your house at 72 F, or can you tolerate a few degrees higher? You want to feel cool but not freezing, and keeping it slightly warmer but comfortable will ensure that your unit isn’t starting up every 15 minutes and working overtime to cool your dwelling.

5- Install a Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat allows the homeowner to control their temperature settings remotely from a smart device and to set pre-programmed times during the day when the AC does not have to work so hard if nobody is home and the house can stay at a warmer temperature.

6- Have Your Unit Professionally Serviced

Every year, have a technician come out to inspect your HVAC system, make any necessary repairs, and alert you to any problems potentially brewing on the horizon. Spending the money on routine maintenance is far cheaper in the long run than costly repairs to a broken unit. Technicians will be able to spot problems before they turn into something major.

You can employ these six steps, along with several others like upgrading your insulation, improving door and window seals, and planting shade around your house, to ensure your AC remains operational throughout the summer. As long as you don’t overtax your unit, it’ll keep you cool all summer.

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Eden Ellis

Eden Ellis, a Business Strategist with an MBA, specializes in corporate strategy, market analysis, and entrepreneurship. His experience with multinational corporations and startups provides a unique lens through which he examines business dynamics, offering actionable insights for companies navigating the complexities of the modern business environment.
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