Video content is extremely important in today’s digital marketing climate. Customers love them and they want to see more of them. And if you don’t already, you should love videos too. After all, they boost information retention, increase your visibility across social media and the internet in general and make customers more likely to buy your products.
So if you’re not already using video content as a key part of your digital marketing strategies, here are 5 ways you can use videos to boost your business this year.
Embrace YouTube
Let’s face it, your online visibility and success relies predominantly on your visibility on Google. Sure, there are other search engines available but Google has the lion’s share of the market so why fight it? YouTube is owned by Google. So everything you do on this site will contribute towards your overall Search Engine Optimisation.
So if you haven’t already created a YouTube channel for your business, now is the time. YouTube has over 2 billion active monthly users and sees 1 billion hours of video content viewed per day. So adding your business’ content to YouTube gives you access to a staggeringly huge audience. And what’s more, once you’ve a video to YouTube, it’s very easy to then share that same video on other platforms.
Post Videos on Social Media
It’s no secret that things can spread like wildfire on social media. People love to view video content and they love to share that content with their friends. So if you want your video content to reach your customers and other like-minded potential customers, then social media is the place to do so.
Consistently uploading engaging, interesting and useful content will help you to gradually build a loyal customer base online. This will help to raise your company’s profile as well as bring in new customers to boost your revenue.
Not sure what content to post? Well, for a start, now that you’ve created your YouTube channel, you can easily share the same videos that you upload to that platform on social media. And remember, the content you post on social media doesn’t have to always be your own. Providing that you don’t break any copyright laws, you can share funny, informative or interesting videos from various sources. Whether it’s a pick-me-up laugh on a dreary Wednesday or a how-to video that is related to your business, the point is to keep providing some kind of service to your audience.
Record Your Events
Throwing company events can be extremely hard work. So why let all that effort go to waste on just one day? Film the event so that you can keep using it as a promotion tool for your business! You can break the video down into smaller videos that you share on YouTube and social media for months or you can even live broadcast it to create a buzz around the event itself. To make sure that you showcase your event in the best possible light however, make sure you use a video production company in Sydney to give it that slick and professional look.
Post on your own website
Video is a great way to convey a lot of information quickly and effectively. It helps people to retain information, it makes them more likely to commit or make a purchase and it encourages them to stay on your site a little longer. So whether it’s a welcome video on the homepage or short videos dotted around the place, why wouldn’t you put video content on your website?
Video Newsletter
Have you been building up a database of e-mail subscribers but have no idea what to do with them? Why not send a monthly video newsletter to keep customers engaged? This will help you increase leads, boost your conversion rates and minimise unsubscribers. And best of all, because you’ve already done the hard work of uploading your video on to youtube downloader mp4…it only takes a few clicks to insert the video into your e-mail!
So there you go. Five easy ways to include video content in your digital marketing strategy. Good luck and don’t be afraid to get creative!