Summers are just around the corner and not just the body, but your skin too should be ready for the beach and for more of what is coming. The scorching heat can take a toll on your body and it is not just dehydration but also reduced energy and so much more.
Your skin can look rough, patchy and dehydrated. Not to forget the red rashes and the chronic itching. Well, the good news is it can be prevented with easy yet super effective ways.
For starters, staying hydrated and cleansing would do wonders. But what we always recommend our clients is to include detox drinks into their regime or lifestyle. From helping your skin glow to cleaning your system, they really do wonders. Today, we are here to talk about 5 such must-have detox drinks that must be on this year’s summer schedule.
Lemon and Ginger
The best part about detox drinks is that they are prepared from readily available items at home. Take this, for example, lemon and ginger are available in every household across the country, and we promise you, you will not have to break a sweat in preparing it as well.
You will find many people waking up to a glass of lemon and ginger in the morning because of the amazing health benefits it has to offer. Not only will it boost your metabolism, but it will also give you a head start in the morning. This is the super awesome easy detox drink you one can have.
People who consume this on a regular basis, also feel alert and calm at the same time. Plus, since lemon is blessed with ascorbic acid, it will help you burn more calories after working out and help to cleanse the system too. Just mix both the ingredients in lukewarm water and drink up. That is all it takes.
Green Tea mixed with turmeric
The above ingredients, green tea, and turmeric, individually are really blessed and beautiful when it comes to health and other benefits.
Like we know, a cup of green tea is the hub of antioxidants. Turmeric, on the other hand, excels in anti-inflammatory properties. Naturally, when the two are mixed, it will generate inexplicable benefits for your health.
A mix of turmeric and green tea will help you cure any infection on the digestive tract. But remember, don’t consume while it’s still hot; keep it in the refrigerator and wait for it to cool down, before consumption.
Go Green
Not just for the environment but for your own health too. It’s high time you must start giving the green veggies the desired emphasis it deserves.
We know that the majority of us are not fond of eating green, so, a healthy drink combined with greens can help you cover that up. Like we know green veggies are loaded with minerals, iron, vitamins, and other nutrients, so, a drink of spinach, cucumber, green apples, lemon juice, and mint leaves would cover all aspects.
Yes, that’s right, it is raining greens. You definitely can’t expect a lot with the taste, but the health benefits that it has to offer will make it worth it.
Watermelon and strawberries
For most of us, summers are much awaited for what it brings with it. Rising temperatures directly implies that you can enjoy mangoes, watermelons, and strawberries.
However, did you know these fruits on your list of favorites also have health benefits? Well, yes you heard that right! Not only will it be delicious but it also would be your go-to drink to hydrate your skin. They can also lower your BP, improve mood, and relieve sore muscles too.
How can we forget mangoes?
Seriously, how could we? We saved the best for the last. I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t like mangoes, so this is one drink, we all MUST try.
All you need to do is mix mango pulp with water, add ginger flakes over the top and the drink so prepared will help in improving your memory and boosting metabolism. Plus, there are studies that show it will improve your libido like a pro.
Apart from these, there are several other dinks with millions of other properties. Some of these are Citrus and Pineapple, Blackberry and lemon, some berries, oranges and so many more. Pick the best from the list and start with it today. My favourite is strawberries and watermelon. What’s yours?