How an Attorney Can Help You Secure Long-Term Disability

Applying for long-term disability support is time-consuming and may be a source of frustration for the person struggling with high medical bills and little to no income. Qualifying for long-term disability can be risky without the help of a skilled attorney. Before you begin the wearying fight for disability, consider hiring an expert who can help you navigate the process.

Knowledge of ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974)

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 was constructed to require insurance companies to serve as a fiduciary. The responsibility of a fiduciary is to act prudently for the benefit of the recipient.

Another part of the ERISA regulations requires a full and fair review of your claim. Disability claims can take a great deal of time. If you’re struggling financially, working with an attorney can help a great deal. You will have a professional on your side who knows what documentation needs to be gathered to make sure your claim is reviewed quickly.

Disability Claims Are Tough to Get Right the First Time

Many disability claims are denied in the first round. The application process is complicated and it can be tough to figure out where your first claim failed. Hiring an attorney is an excellent next step in getting your claim corrected and moving forward in the right direction.

Every applicant is different, but there is a common complexity in the application that many people simply can’t overcome. The fact that you were denied once doesn’t mean you’ll never get qualified for the benefits you deserve. As you’d work with a physician to repair physical damage, you need to work with a lawyer to correct your application and get your financial house back in order.

Private vs. Social Security Disability

Qualifying for private long-term disability vs. Social Security Disability is also a challenge and can be quite confusing. If you’re nowhere close to collecting Social Security, it may be that you were not aware that you may qualify for SSI (Supplemental Security Income).

Bring your situation to an attorney for an initial conversation. If you’ve applied for disability through an insurance company in the past, bring your documentation. Any rejection documents from the Social Security Administration will also be worthy of review.

It’s very easy for a disability application to go off the rails. The applicant may actually have the information necessary but not have it plugged in correctly to the application process. An attorney can help you check all the boxes and get your documentation in order.

Adjoining Services

The fight for disability may have forced you into a situation that requires filing for bankruptcy. Fighting for disability is tough enough without having to worry that you’re going to lose your home. In such cases, a disability attorney who can help you with bankruptcy is a great person to have on your team.

There is a way forward after a disability denial, but you can’t do it alone. Hire a professional to help you navigate the process.

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Luca Jacob

Luca Jacob, a Legal Analyst with a Juris Doctor degree, offers expertise in corporate law, intellectual property, and legal policy analysis. His legal practice and policy work background provide a sharp perspective on legal complexities, making him a valuable resource for understanding diverse legal issues.
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