Ever noticed how some companies closed their physical stores and just continue on with their business online? That’s because business is getting more and more competitive. The overhead cost of operating a physical business is just too high—you need to lease the commercial space, pay employees their salaries and benefits, buy office supplies, pay for utilities, and many other operational expenses.
E-tailers, on the other hand, keep a short list. But on top of that list is the need for a serviceable San Francisco website design company.
Electronic retailing will only succeed if the company’s website is highly functional. It is not going to be easy to find the perfect web design and development company, so every e-commerce company should meet at least five of web design firms and discuss whether their design principles match the company’s mission, vision and core principles. “Perfectly matches your project” should be a phrase that companies need to fulfill when shopping for an efficient web design firm. There is no sense transforming to e-tailing when the e-commerce website is not highly functional.
One example of a dependable web design agency is Ramotion, a design studio that doesn’t only create a mere website but one that markets and tells brand stories in order to create conversion as well as build trust. CONVERSION is the operative word here. Every website aims for conversion, but an e-commerce website lives on conversion.
San Francisco Website Design Company
E-tailers should find higher-level design agencies in San Francisco. Why the Golden Gate City? Because it is America’s tech hub—and maybe even the world’s. Nearly a quarter of America’s richest people live in California, according to a Forbes report. This is largely due to technology as tech companies are concentrated in Silicon Valley, the Bay Area and Los Angeles.
San Francisco is also the city where most startups congregate. Technology, again, is the major reason why new companies prefer to launch their business in San Francisco. So it also makes sense that an e-tailer will single out the city when shopping for a website design agency. Despite the pool of talent in San Francisco, the business should still make sure that a healthy relationship will be developed with the agency because creating an e-commerce site will be a collaborative effort. Also, business owners should think of the relationship to be a long-term one to open the possibility of creating a mobile app after the successful launch of the e-commerce website.
For sure, the business needs a website that has an attractive UI design as well as a highly efficient UX design. More specifically, here are the top five things a business would want a San Francisco website design company to deliver:
1. Organized landing page
Nobody wants to navigate a cluttered web page. This area is part of the user interface, so it is important that not only does a website design company have a software engineer who develops the website and a graphics person to design it, the agency also needs a UI designer. The user interface of a website is not just about making it attractive, it is about research. Everything that makes the user interface beautiful is because it is research-based.
E-tailers and the web design agency—as mentioned, creating an e-commerce website is a collaboration between owner and designer—should think about what they need to see when looking at an actual store. If the e-tailer sells groceries, for sure they would want the milk to be in a separate aisle as the detergent powders. It is the same with the e-commerce site: similar items should be clustered together. This will give shoppers a more pleasant experience.
An e-commerce website is not just about the company name and logo plastered on the web page, it is also about helping online users to navigate the page easily, because helping them means conversion for the business with eventual hope of loyalty.
2. Great photography
E-tailers should be able to capture the audience before they can hope to make a conversion. So the website should carry powerful images—images that will make people want to buy it. This is when collaboration is important. E-tailers cannot just depend on the design agency to have control over the creation of the full-service website, especially pertaining to the products that will be displayed.
An efficient web design agency makes great websites, but it doesn’t mean that they capture stunning photographs. E-tailers should invest on a professional photographer in order to have a stack of enticing images to display on the website. No one will buy a product without photographic evidence. Also, e-tailers should take photos only of products that will actually be sold online. There have been so many reports of online retailers duping customers with amazing product images, only to have mediocre items delivered on their doorstep. If businesses want to inspire loyalty among clients, dishonesty is not the way to do it.
The agency will make sure that these powerful photographs should only be enhanced through the web design.
3. Convenient and safe checkout
So the goal is to make people buy the products in the e-commerce site. That will not happen if the checkout service has a lot of problems. First, the website should make it easier for customers to link their credit cards for easy payment mechanism. And since there are so many different kinds of credit cards, the site should be able to accept all kinds. But basically, there are just two types: Visa and Mastercard.
Not only that, there should be other options as well like PayPal, cash on delivery, etc. But more importantly, the web developer should make sure that using credit cards and other payment mechanisms on the site will be safe. The web agency should have access to software and other technology-based companies that make secure e-commerce possible.
4. Customer reviews page
This is important! It is only when owners hear from their clients that they know what they are doing well and what they are doing “wrong.” The e-commerce site should have its own page where the customers can provide feedback on their buying experience. E-tailers need this page because they would not want customers to be babbling about their negative experience on their social media accounts and risk having that post—no matter how unfounded it could be—becoming viral.
Having a customer reviews page will mean a sort-of direct communication between the owner and its customers.