Chau Doc Phnom Penh is the only way that currently connects Vietnam to Cambodia. There is known to be only one ferry that can carry people from Vietnam to Cambodia so you need to make sure you always book early. It takes 2 hours and 54 minutes to reach Cambodia and you can really enjoy the experience. For those who would like to enjoy activities like swimming, fishing and even diving, you can visit the Chau Doc route and it will really sort you out. You will enjoy excellent experience seeing the waters and nearby villages. Traditional bars and restaurants are also available to make you enjoy every moment. Make sure to receive the proper vaccinations like chikungunya in Vietnam so that you are protected when visiting.
Get Yourself a Fast Boat to Your Destination
Fast boats are known to be excellent because they are quick and you travel like a baller. The fast boats are designed for few passengers so probably you will have the best luxury. It is a bit more expensive because it is quick, private and luxurious at all times. If you are the kind of people who like taking photos, a lot of things will pass you because the fast boat is always fast not giving you a chance to take any photos along the way.
Travel by Express Normal Boats
Normal boats are not quick and they are used by plenty of people so you need to be ready to mix stories and experiences with other tourist secrets Asia guide. On average, it takes around five hours for one to reach the required destination so you need to always ensure you have patience. The good thing is that it is slow so you can take photos and get a sufficient experience on every feature on the road. Boats are well-pimped to ensure you enjoy maximum comfort as you travel from place to another. You will have an excellent moment travelling from area to another while getting the best experience.
Travel by Bus
It costs between $25 and $30 to travel by bus from Vietnam to Cambodia. All buses leave at 7:30 am so you need to book earlier to avoid being left by the bus. Roads have really improved so you should expect a smooth and luxurious ride to and from your destination. You will not encounter any kind of problem because tourist buses are known even by authorities that they are law-abiding vessels and used solemnly for tourism travels. If you would like to enjoy excellent experience, traveling by bus should be your number one priority.
Train Travels from Chao Doc to Cambodia
Train travels are slowest but very fulfilling because you take your time to enjoy every treasure during your travels. You will take around 3 hours to reach your destination so prepare to have fun on those hours as you will pass through a lot of touristic places. Book early if you are touring the holidays because people from cross the world always come for full retreat and spaces could be scarce.
You can choose any means of transport but you need to have a VISA to be allowed to enter Cambodia. The travelling agency can always make a plan for you if you are a foreign traveler so make sure you notify them early.