Driving at night is not the same for everyone. Some people love to travel at night. One the other hand, some people hate driving at night. The piercing high beam lights make them nervous. If the idea of driving at night makes you anxious, we can get you. It is dangerous, indeed. Recent surveys have proven that the accident rate is 3 times higher at night. In addition to that, more than half of the accident deaths take place at night.
Keeping the above facts in mind, we can say that driving at night is risky. But we can’t avoid driving at night completely. I mean there can be some uncongenial circumstances that urge someone to take out his car at midnight too. So the best thing that we can do is take precautionary measures. Check out the below-given safety tips if you are driving at night with LED lights.
Set Your Headlights
It is not surprising if you find that your brand new car has uneven headlights. This is quite real. We have seen these problems in the latest cars too. Sometimes they are pointed lower than usual. So you need to put a little effort to set them. If you can bring them to the right position, well and good. Otherwise, take help from a car mechanic. Make sure to read the manual before setting the headlights. It will be of great help.
Dim Dash Lights
Can you see a dashboard dimmer switch in your car? Well, it is placed purposely. The dashboard light reflects and it can distract you. It also lessens your forward vision. So you have to dim the light to focus on the driving.
Moreover, the map lights should not be left on for long. The map lights that are available in low-budget usually disperse light all over the interior. They reflect directly into the driver’s eyes. Only expensive cars have such map lights that pinpoint the object and have very little glare. Even if you have them, still we advise you to switch off them while driving. tint glasses.
Wear Reflective Glasses
You must have seen ads of yellow-tint glasses. These ads proclaim that the yellow-tint glasses can help you see well. We strictly discourage the use of such glasses. They lessen the vision of drivers.
The reflective glasses are strongly recommended by our team. These glasses have an anti-reflective coating that helps to save eyes from pricing lights coming from the opposite sides.
Be a Retina Spotter
If you are driving on the countryside road, you should be aware of animals. Moreover, if you are traveling through the woods then wild animals should be considered. These animals can come in front of your car in no time. They can cause a lot of damage to you and your vehicle. Before you spot the animal, you can spot the reflection of your car’s headlights in the animal’s eyes. Slow down your car if you see the sparkling retinas at some distance.
Most importantly, look for lightfox led driving lights and drive safely!