Amazon Two-Step Verification is a feature that adds an extra layer of security to your account sign-in. The feature requires you to enter a unique security code in addition to your email address and password on computers and devices that you haven’t designated as trusted.
The security code is either sent to your phone via text, voice call, or our mobile app. You can also get the security code from an authenticator app. Once you sign in using Amazon Two-Step Verification, you won’t be asked for codes again on that computer or device unless you sign out of your account or delete your browser’s cookies.
When did Amazon start using this?
In 2011, they started using a password manager called AWS Multi-Factor Authentication. It’s not exactly two-factor authentication because there’s no second step needed—the user only has to enter their password, which is two steps already. But it’s close!
How does it work?
When logging into Amazon, you will be prompted to enter your login credentials after providing your name and email address. If you are working with any ecommerce consulting agency then you need to provide them this code. Once you have entered this information, you will be prompted to choose another method of authentication. You will then be prompted to enter the six-digit code that you received via text message or voice call (you must register your phone number before receiving codes via this method).
When you log into your Amazon account, a temporary security code will be sent to your phone or device. You will then have to enter this code in order to complete the login process. Once entered, it will remain valid for 30 minutes and will allow you access to your account with no further interruptions. This makes it more difficult for someone else to access your account, as they will also need the same temporary security code.
If you don’t want to receive text messages on your mobile device, there are other options available such as using an authenticator app on your phone or setting up an authenticator app on a different device entirely.
How do you set up two-step verification?
- Go to the Two-Step Verification page.
- Enter your phone number in the device setup section, then click Send SMS or Call Me to receive a code.
- Enter the code that was sent to your phone number and click Verify code and continue. Your mobile device is now set up for two-step verification!
- To add additional phone numbers, click Add another mobile number in the device setup section on your Two-Step Verification settings page, and follow steps 2 through 4 above to set them up.
If you are still not sure about how to do it, you can also take the help of an ecommerce consulting agency to provide you amazon account management service and set up a two-step verification.
What happens when you have two-step verification on your Amazon account?
When you have two-step verification on your Amazon account, you need to enter a code that is sent to you before you can sign in. When you or someone else tries to sign in from an unrecognized device, Amazon will send you a text message or email with a code.
If it’s really your account and the person using it isn’t trying to steal it, simply input the code when prompted and proceed with your purchase as usual. Be aware that if you sign in from different devices (for example, your phone and laptop), you may need to enter the same code more than once.
Once Amazon recognizes these computers as yours, they will no longer prompt for codes. You can turn off two-step verification at any time by going into your Account Settings.
How to turn off Amazon’s two-step verification?
Once you contact the Amazon customer service team, tell them that you want to turn off two-step verification. They will ask for some basic personal information (such as your name and email address) as well as information about your payment method. Then, they will revert your account back to one-step verification.
Two-step verification makes your account more secure, but it can cause a few issues that aren’t terrible.
First, disable it, then enable it again. It’s the old solution to all technological issues: turn the thing off, then back on! Go to Amazon’s website (or use the Amazon app), then go into your account settings. From there, you can disable two-step verification, save your changes and then enable it again. It seems too simple to work sometimes but often does the trick.
If disabling and re-enabling doesn’t work for some reason, you can try getting new codes from Amazon by going into your account settings in its website or app and selecting “Manage Your Two-Step Verification Settings” to request a new set of security codes from Amazon via SMS text or voice call. You’ll want to make sure that you receive a text message when prompted; otherwise, you’ll get nothing if you’re not connected to Wi-Fi (disabled turned off).
Use the web interface instead of phone apps if possible; for example, log in on a desktop computer instead of an iPhone or Android device since that will have fewer connection problems than apps do.
How do you disable two-step verification?
To disable two-factor verification, follow these steps:
- Access the “Manage your account.”
- Enter your password and click “Sign in using our secure server.”
- Click “Advanced security settings.”
- Find the section labeled “Two-Step Verification” and click “Edit.”
- Under the “Two-Step Verification” section, click the box next to “SMS text message.” A window will pop up, prompting you to enter your mobile phone number.
- Enter your mobile phone number and click “Send code.” You will receive a six-digit code on your phone. Enter this code in the space provided and click “Verify code and continue.”
Conclusive Remarks
To sum it up, Two-Step Verification is a security process that Amazon has introduced to allow users to ensure that only they can access their account. This gives them confidence that, even if their password is stolen or guessed, the thief won’t be able to use it to access their accounts because they will need an additionally generated temporary code. Amazon recommends that all its users set up this security feature immediately and use it to protect their accounts against possible hacks or identity theft.