It has felt for a long time already like this world was standing at the point of reaching an impasse. The number of military conflicts has been rising, the economies have been falling down, and something bad was looming on the horizon of expected horrors. However, nobody knew that the world would be put on hold due to a biological factor and not an economic or military one. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything, and the teachers were among the first to readjust their daily routines and start teaching students online because the education process was meant to continue. Regardless of how tall the task was, they have managed to deal with it because there is nothing in this world that a teacher is not capable of. Still, it does not mean that they do not need some help. This article has been written to tell you about 10 simple tips that will improve the quality of your online teaching methodology.
Why Would You Do the Same Work Twice?
Imagine that you have a splendid lecture on whatever the topic of your discipline might be. You are eager to tell your students about the novelties on learning mathematics, or you want to disclose your interpretation of the works of Shakespeare. Go ahead, break a leg, and way to go! Now the point is that the best SAT prep courses online and other tutoring companies of today recommend it to the teachers who have to work in the conditions of quite abridged functionality, to record their lesson and not stream them.
Personality Matters
The pivotal thing that renders online education as a full-fledged educational process is the presence of the teacher. So, regardless of the difficulties that you might face regarding the visual representation of the material learned to the students, make sure that you show them your face.
Keep It Focused
When it comes to talking about the pros and cons of online colleges, it should be acknowledged that students do not like sitting at home and listening to the lecture or workshop records that go on for hours. Consider breaking them down into shorter videos that will provide all the information necessary in the most succinct of manners.
Make Them Work
If you think that online education is all about supplying students with the materials they need, get ready to face the ugly truth. You are wrong! The best online tutors know it for sure that students must interact while learning online. The development of social and communication skills is an important part of any educational process. Hence, do not exclude it from your online curriculum.
Quick Access is the Key to Success
While teaching online, you are surely using way more online resources than you used to do while teaching in a physical class. When people ponder over what are the benefits of online education, there is a whole list of things to be named within a matter of seconds. It is comfortable, it is more accessible, and it is surely more progressive. Nonetheless, sometimes the teachers that some of the resources that they use in online teaching might not be the open-access one. It might become a significant barrier to the students’ way towards successful completion of the program. So, make sure to use more open-access resources.
Stay Precise and Disciplined
One of the biggest problems that you, as a teacher, are going to experience during the quarantine is the lack of discipline from the students. Somehow, they tend to think that everything that is going on at the moment is not serious. So, set specific deadlines for the assignments and do not forget to apply corresponding punitive measures once they are not submitted on time.
Get Geeky
Well, it seems fair to say that when it comes to online education, a teacher, regardless of how old school, he or she might have been, has to master the new ways of tutoring the young minds. Thankfully, the developers have taken proper care of you even before the quarantine has become mainstream. There is a good selection of top study apps that you might use in order to refine your interaction with the students.
Stay Attentive
One of the best features of the education of the 21st century, in general, is that it has finally started paying attention to the needs of people with disabilities. Therefore, if you know that there is a student with special needs in your study group, please, refresh your memory on the best education assistive technology tools that you may use for refining the learning experience of the students with special needs.
Get a Schedule
A decision that shall help you keep your students disciplined during the quarantine is having the lesson schedule. It will help and the students to stay organized in your joint mission of withstanding the bitter enemy of humanity, the virus that wants to prevent people from getting educated.
Stay Humane
You cannot pretend as nothing has changed in your lives. Your students want to feel the support they need. So, do not be afraid to show to them that you are a human, as well. Thus, you will be able to establish better communication within your study group and thus reach improved learning outcomes.
You, as a teacher, have to understand that the COVID-19 aftermath is going to be affecting humanity for years to come. Therefore, there is actually no better decision for you to make rather than master the ways of becoming a better teacher online. Hopefully, this article will help you improve your tutoring methodology. Still, the pivotal tip on how to improve yourself during the quarantine is as simple as that: stay home and save lives by educating the young souls to do the same.