The amount of life insurance that you require is totally dependent on your own personal situation. For example, for some people $100,000 will go really far, whereas for others it may not actually provide that much in the way of financial security.
Who Needs a Cover?
For most single people this level of coverage is more than enough. Although these individuals may think that because they do not have any dependents, such as children, they do not require such a lebel of life insurance, someone will still have to bury them and there is a cost in doing this. This is why you hear of lots of young people setting up GoFundMe accounts when they have been diagnosed with a terminal illness but do not have insurance in place to cover themselves for this.
Any adult that does have dependents also needs $100,000 life insurance coverage. This means that should these individuals ever unexpectedly pass away, their children are not left with a financial burden that they have no means of paying for. If their children are young and will need to be looked after by someone else, then $100,000 should be enough to do this.
Adults working as freelancers in any field need to protect themselves should they ever die or not be able to work, as their income would then be none existent. $100,000 would be enough to cover expenses such as burial and keep their family financially secure for the immediate future.
With the average cost of a recreational vehicle (RV) in the United States being around the $100,000 mark, this amount of life insurance would be enough to pay off any outstanding loan payments on the vehicle. This is particularly important if it is used as their primary place of residence.
What Can It Be Used For?
However, life insurance is not exclusive to just these purposes, there are in fact a number of different things that the $100,000 can be used for. These include paying for funeral costs, clearing debt, making mortgage payments, making vehicle payments, paying credit card bills, paying for grief counseling, covering living expenses, paying for insurance policies, covering final expenses, paying for daycare, and paying for college books. This is not an exclusive list and the money from a life insurance policy can in fact be used to pay for many other costs also.
Getting life insurance without the need for a medical exam allows the whole process to go much faster, as there is no need to wait around for months in order to have an examination and for all of the relevant paperwork to be completed. In some instances, applying for life insurance online via websites such as can result in you having your application being approved within the space of just five minutes. This is because not having a physical medical exam cuts the whole application process down by roughly two weeks.
In order for insurance companies to be able to establish what your level of insurability is, there are three different reports that they must first run on you. These include an MIB report that looks at your previous history of applying for and having life insurance, a prescription drug report that examines what prescription medications you have filled for in the past seven years, and a motor vehicle report that shows if you have any DWI’s, DUI’s, or if your driver’s license has been suspended at all. Pass all of these and your application for life insurance will be approved.
What Affects How Much You Pay?
Depending on both your age and your sex, you can expect the rates that your pay for your coverage to differ greatly. For example, a 20 year old male will pay $10 a month for a $100,000 value life insurance policy, whereas a female of the same age will pay just $8 per month instead. Similarly, a 44 year old male will pay $17 per month for the same level of coverage and a female will pay just $15 per month instead. This is because women generally tend to live longer than men and look after their overall health better also.
Bestow Life Insurance
These figures are just estimates and so may not exactly reflect the price that you pay for your life insurance policy. This is because the rates differ from insurance company to insurance company. One of the best of these companies is Bestow Life Insurance. They provide coverage to any individual that is aged between 21 and 55 years for amounts ranging between $50,000 and $1,000,000. They even have separate rates for both none smoker and smokers. However, their service is not available in the states of New York and Georgia.
You should not be put off by this or the fact that they are a relatively new entrant into this industry, as they are, in fact, backed by the North American Company for Life and Health Insurance. This is a company that has been trading for more than 100 years now and has a Superior A + rating with the A. M. Best ratings agency. Their core values are that insurance should be smart, convenient, and, best of all, affordable for everyone. Because they use an accelerated underwriting process, it means that there is no waiting period in order for your application to be approved or declined. They are also one of very few insurance companies that off the choice of two year term options rather than the typical much longer twenty year terms.
This all goes to show that life insurance is important to everyone out there, regardless of their own personal financial situation and so is something that should be seriously considered. After all, applying for it is a quick and easy process and it is actually 44 % cheaper than what most American think it is.
Life insurance is absolutely significant. You will never know what would happen to you in the years ahead. You better protect and provide your family with what they need in your absence.