When it comes to having coffee and caffeine, no matter if you are on your way to work or having a cup before school (for many), it is hard to go without it. Caffeine is a great way to start your morning routine to get you going. To learn more, you can read the complete history of coffee.
How Much Coffee Should You Drink?
Everything should be in moderation, including coffee and caffeine. Although caffeine is an active ingredient in coffee, it is the most wildly used drink globally and always a favorite.
The benefits are drinking both, but there can be drawbacks. The benefits of drinking caffeine and coffee are that it can aid you with certain diseases like:
- Improving heart conditions
- Burning fat
- Improving your endurance
- Lowers risk of type 2 diabetes
- It helps to prevent dementia
- It can put you in a better mood
- It is high in antioxidants
The downside by drinking too much coffee and caffeine is that you can have experiences like:
- Having an upset stomach
- Being restless
- Having anxiety
- Dizziness
- Insomnia
- Fast heartbeat
- Tremors
- May raise your cholesterol levels
- It can make you have fatigue;
- And your heart rate can go up
If you experience these symptoms after drinking coffee, you may need to cut back when possible.
Always Know How Much Is Enough
It is wise to stick to drinking no more than eight ounces (equal to one cup of caffeine and coffee) each day.
However, four cups each day should be the limit.
If you find yourself not getting a good night’s sleep, drinking too much coffee will disturb your sleep.
Caffeine also affects your nap time if you like to sleep during the afternoon hours. How you function during the day can always be involved, so continually monitor your caffeine consumption.
Do not be confused thinking that it can give you better awake time if you drink too many caffeinated beverages. However, you can often find yourself falling asleep at night that can cause you not to feel good during the day due to the lack of sleep.
Everyone who loves coffee should be able to try new types. Like Glasshouse Mountains Coffee, they make sure that their coffee is fresh to make sure each person will have the authentic taste of coffee that anyone can ever experience.
Try To Break Your Caffeine Routine
Cutting back on coffee drinks and caffeine can be hard in the beginning. When you start, you may feel the effects of either being tired, headaches, and not functioning at one hundred percent. Those effects are normal. However, over time, that can gradually go away.
- Keep a record of how much caffeine you are getting from your beverages, including energy drinks.
- Cut back very slowly. The less you consume coffee and soda each day, the better you will feel. Stay away from drinking any caffeine or coffee at least three hours before you go to sleep at night.
- Although it may be hard, switch to decaf coffee and caffeine to help cut back.