Winter is officially here, and you might be thinking about early Christmas presents to buy. The way we currently interact with people is much different than it was this time last year. The COVID-19 virus has hit the globe with immense impact. From health to the economy, worldwide, most people have been affected by the pandemic on some level.
Holiday gatherings might look a little strange this year. However, despite the uncertainty that lingers in the air, the pandemic doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t share good times with the people you love. While it might mean that there won’t be any massive family dinners with your 25 relatives this holiday season, you can still show your friends and family how much you love them by sending a thoughtful gift!
You have an entire month to shop before the holidays. Take a look at these two practical and fun gifts for these strange times.
An Online Shopping Gift Card
If you weren’t an avid online shopper before the pandemic occurred, then you’ve probably discovered the ease of purchasing anything and everything over the internet by now. Many people are actively trying to social distance and avoid crowded public spaces, and shopping online enables you to get the things you need without risking your (or someone else’s) health.
Consider the gift of an online gift card. Your friend or family member would appreciate the gesture, especially if they’re immunocompromised or unable to get out much.
Many brick and mortar shops now offer online shopping and delivery services. It’s always a good idea to support your local retail industry — check those out first before you hop on to Amazon or another larger platform.
Personalized Facial Masks
You can’t go anywhere anymore without a facial mask. Facial masks are essential items to wear during this time because they help prevent the virus from spreading. Covering your face with appropriate fabric reduces the chance of harmful germs escaping from your mouth and nostrils. Did you know that you can order masks with custom designs that your family and friends will love?
It’s true! If there’s a specific graphic your friend loves, you can put that on a mask just for them. Or, perhaps you’re part of a sports team or club, and you’re unable to play this season. Why not make a custom face mask for everyone with your team’s logo? Even if you can’t physically get together, wearing the customized facial covering will make everyone feel closer and eager to get back together next year.
Find the right screen-printing company that offers breathable, anti-bacterial masks because you want to ensure you’re staying as safe and comfortable as possible. Although facial coverings aren’t always the most convenient things, they’re crucial to wear right now. Customizing them makes wearing them a little more fun.
Gift cards and facial masks may not seem like much, but they’re both necessary as we navigate through this challenging time in history. You can tailor both gift ideas to your loved ones’ interests — personalizing masks and ordering from their favourite stores. When winter hits and lockdown restrictions tighten, they’ll be so grateful for your thoughtful — yet, practical — presents.