For most of us, getting a haircut is a standard procedure – and for many women, getting their hair treated is supposed to be a standard, cut-and-dried procedure as well. So if something goes wrong, we can be quite upset, especially if the damage to our hair is major and has affected our outlook, confidence, and even quality of life. If you are contemplating claiming for hair damage, there are some things you should remember. First of all – is your case strong enough, and does it have merit? This is something that a good personal injury solicitor can tell you. But what else should you know about claiming hair damage in the UK? Here’s your best guide to making a claim: what you can really expect.
Signs of hair damage
Regardless of if you have straight, curly, wavy, long, or afro hair, your hair constitutes what makes you ‘you’. And when our hair becomes damaged, it can have a detrimental effect on our self-esteem and how we view ourselves. There are many things which can result in hair damage, such as hormonal changes, medication, stress, and even what we eat – but if the damage to your hair has been caused by someone else, this can make your situation a lot more complicated.
But what exactly is hair damage, and what are the signs of it? Hair damage is simply anything which has made your hair’s condition worse than it was at the beginning. Some common signs of hair damage include brittle hair, burnt hair, patches on the scalp, dermatitis, or hair that is falling out. The damage is likely to have an effect on how your hair looks and feels for some time, and may even be permanent.
What you can do if you have hair damage and want to make a claim
If you have suffered from hair damage and would like to make a claim for compensation from the salon, hairdresser, or hairstylist, then you can begin by collecting as much evidence as you can regarding your injury. You should keep whatever receipts you have so you can show your expenses, but you should also keep your receipts for whatever medical treatments you have received due to the damage. You should also collect photographic evidence – take photos of your damaged hair and take photos at regular intervals as your injury heals. If you have not gone to a medical professional yet, do so; this will help solidify your claim as well.
If there is a witness to your hair damage, note down their contact information so you can get in touch with them once you pursue your case. You should also make it a point to note down your own memory and recollection of the incident, so you do not forget any details.
Even if you are still wondering and debating whether you should pursue a claim for hair damage or not, it would be a good idea to consult with an experienced personal injury solicitor, especially one well-versed in hair damage claims, so they can provide you with the proper advice on the further steps you can and should take.
The solicitor can give you pertinent information regarding the compensation you can receive – including an award for pain and suffering, compensation for lost income, and more.