There is a lot of misinformation and propaganda surrounding the vaping industry, which has led to misconceptions about it. One common misconception is that vaping will lead to smoking, or people start with e-cigarettes and then graduate to tobacco products.
However, the truth is that if you are over 18 years old and not pregnant, there’s no need for concern because studies show that those who vape do not smoke more than those who don’t vape. The following are six more misconceptions about the vaping industry.
1- Vapes are not regulated.
This misconception is a common one that many people have. The truth is that vapes are, in fact, heavily regulated at both state and federal levels. To sell vape products legally as a retailer, you must get a license from the FDA or your local municipality.
All vape products for sale must also carry an FDA-approved label on their packaging stating what chemicals they contain, as well as any potential health risks associated with them. Finally, the company must disclose all ingredients used in creating e-liquids for vaping to the public by law.
This means that if you’re going into a store looking to buy some e-liquid or other vaping product, then you know what chemicals it contains and what effects they may have on your health.
2- Cigarettes and vapes are both bad for your health.
A common misconception that people think is that smoking cigarette and vaping are equally bad for their health. This is not true because cigarettes contain thousands of carcinogens such as arsenic, lead, benzene, nickel, and polonium-210; whereas, vape devices only release water vapor with minimal amounts of nicotine. A study by Public Health England found that vaping was 95% less harmful than smoking cigarettes.
3- All vapes produce the same amount of nicotine.
Many people believe that all vapes have the same amount of nicotine, but this is completely false. E-liquids are labeled with the amount of nicotine they contain, which varies by brand and flavor type. Also, there are different options for vape devices that can help reduce nicotine intake over time.
4- Vaping causes popcorn lung.
People commonly believe that vapes cause popcorn lung. It is the name given to bronchiolitis obliterans. This is after its discovery by workers at a microwave popcorn packaging plant. The truth is since vaping became popular in 2007, there have been exactly zero cases of popcorn lung that can they can link back to vaping.
5- Vaping attracts teens.
Many people believe that the vaping industry specifically targets teens because it was initially marketed towards smokers trying to quit using nicotine. However, vaping has become highly popular among adults, and it will soon become more popular than smoking cigarettes.
6- Vape emits harmful chemicals.
One of the most common misconceptions about vaping is that it emits harmful chemicals. This is not true. Unlike many other tobacco products, such as cigarettes and cigars, vapes do not emit harmful levels of chemicals such as tar or carbon monoxide.
The fact is that vapes release far less chemical content than traditional tobacco products. It means that they’re less likely to cause long-term health problems for people who use them. For some people, the idea of vaping is still a scary one. They think that there’s some unknown chemical in e-liquid and vape smoke that could harm their health.
In reality, however, the vaping industry must disclose all ingredients used in creating e-liquids for vaping to the public by law. It includes any potential health risks associated with them, unlike cigarettes where customers don’t get this information due to Big Tobacco’s lack of labeling.