All-day at work at the computer, at home – watching TV, and before going to bed – reading a book on a tablet, people in the modern world move less which negatively affects their health. The simplest solution to the problem is to go in for sports and physical education.
But with a high degree of employment, this can be difficult. There are several exercises and helpful recommendations to reduce the harm of physical inactivity.
Influence of Physical Inactivity on Health
1. Effect of Prolonged Sitting
When a person sits in the same position for a long time, the blood circulates worse and stagnates. Slow blood circulation in the legs can cause edema, varicose veins, and thrombosis. Inactivity slows down metabolic processes in the body, due to which blood pressure, blood sugar, “bad” cholesterol rise, excess fat appears, and the risk of developing cancer increases.
In a sitting position, the body cannot burn enough fat, and blood circulates normally. Slow blood circulation in the legs can cause various problems: swelling, swollen ankles, thrombosis.
Besides, if you stare at the screen of a TV, computer, or tablet, your eyes become very strained, which impairs vision. Even if you actively play sports or spend time in the gym several times a week, prolonged sitting can still have a detrimental effect on your health.
2. Development Of Bad Habits
Due to inactivity, the body demands the pleasure for which many people consume alcohol. They think it will relax them and will give them the ultimate pleasure. However, it only costs them their health. In families, where the husband is jobless there are more chances that he will become an addict.
This bad habit can ruin the whole family! Therefore, a wife should contact some specialist and get details on how to deal with an alcoholic husband before it’s too late.
Exercising Tips for Reducing the Harm of Physical Inactivity
However, if you have been living like this and want to improve, here are some practical tips:
1. Mastering Yoga
Many yoga poses and exercises are very effective at relieving stress from sitting still for long periods. Yoga will help get rid of stress and irritation accumulated during the day. The well-known postures – Marjariasana (cat pose) and Bitilasana (cow pose) – have a very beneficial effect on back health.
When practiced together, it is possible to relax the body quite well, in particular, the muscles of the back, neck, and support the flexibility of the spine. Yoga helps to improve posture and prevent back and neck pain. Baddha Konasana (butterfly pose), Balasana (child’s pose), Tadasana (mountain pose) will also be relevant after a long sitting.
2. Don’t Forget to Rest
Western researchers argue that prolonged immobility of the body adversely affects the cardiovascular system: blood stagnates and the veins expand. To prevent such consequences, there is a simple and effective solution – to take frequent breaks for mini-walks.
After about every hour, it is advisable to get up from your seat to walk a little for five to ten minutes. Walking is a great exercise for those suffering from heart disease and metabolic disorders.
3. Fitness Ball
Fitness and exercise is a real salvation for people suffering from physical inactivity. But there is often not enough time for such activities. If so, then arrange some time with a gymnastic ball. It is useful to keep this attribute close to your work chair. But if this is not possible, then purchase it to do exercises at home.
Using the ball is easy. It is enough to sit on it from a chair, straighten your back, and try to keep your body in this position for a while. This exercise is very helpful for people of all ages. As to stay on it, you need to make an effort, forcing the main muscles of the back to work. While sitting on the ball, one can continue sedentary activities: drinking tea, watching TV, and even meditating.
4. Body Stretching Exercises
It is recommended to do stretching exercises periodically while sitting for a long time. Stretching the tendons and muscles of the body regularly will help improve range of motion, blood circulation, and relax and calm the brain.
Bending forward and to the side are the simplest stretching exercises. They can be done both in the office and at home. Every hour it is useful to arrange a little fitness for yourself with the help of simple bends forward and to the sides, not forgetting to take a slow breath in and out.
5. Maintain Your Posture
If you have to sit in one place for several hours, you must at least do it with the correct posture. It reduces stress on the spine and joints. The habit of keeping your back correct must be instilled from early childhood, but it is not too late to learn this even at a more mature age.
For correct posture you need:
- Keep your back straight.
- The shoulders should not be raised high or too low
- Legs should be on the floor not crossed
- The chin needs to be slightly raised and the jaw relaxed
- When working at the table, try not to lean forward too much
- Use a pillow to support your lower back.
6. Stretch Your Neck
As a result of prolonged sitting in a sitting position, the neck often hurts and becomes numb. Lifting the eyes above the keyboard and computer monitor usually diminishes the discomfort in the neck. Therefore, it is important to periodically take such breaks to warm up the neck area:
- Gently, without sudden movements, and lift your head. Then also gently lower it down.
- Tilt your head first to the left shoulder, then to the right. Try to touch the shoulder with your ear.
- Slowly perform circular movements with your head. First in one direction and then in the other direction.
- Repeat these exercises several times for 15-30 seconds.
Neck warming is also relevant for those who regularly stand for a long time, for example, at the registration desk or the exhibition stand. Remember to do simple neck health exercises from time to time.
7. Using the Right Desktop
One of the important causes of harmful effects on the body during physical inactivity can be an improperly selected work table, as well as a chair. The desk should be of the required height so that it is comfortable to do the job.
The feet should be free to reach the floor with the knees bent. Modern designers are increasingly developing furniture that makes it easy to change the position of the body of a sitting or standing person for less back strain.
Summing Up
Despite these tips, the best one is to move more. You shouldn’t always complain about its lack. Everyone can find at least 10-15 minutes daily to exercise, run, or just walk before bed.