Arthritis is an inflammatory disease affecting one or more joints all over the body. It also has other symptoms such as aching, edema, and fever. Arthrosis is a non-inflammatory degenerative illness connected with getting older. This condition affects the cartilage, which becomes rough, uneven, and frayed. The destruction of cartilage can result in pain and loss of joint flexibility.
If you feel that arthritis and arthrosis sound similar, this article will help you to put things in perspective.
What are the signs of arthritis, including arthrosis?
The main symptoms of arthritis, including arthrosis, can vary depending on the type of disease. The most common are joint pain and stiffness. Other symptoms are as follows:
- swelling in joints;
- redness of the skin around affected joints;
- reduced range of motion in affected joints;
- joint pain;
- tenderness around affected joints;
- bone-to-bone grafting or rubbing;
- bone spurs.
If you feel one or several mentioned symptoms, you need to consult with your doctor as soon as possible.
How are arthrosis and other types of arthritis diagnosed and treated?
Arthritis may result from:
- injury;
- infection;
- metabolic disorders;
- immune system disorders;
- weight issues.
Whereas arthrosis may appear as a result of an injury, aging, long-term wear and tear of the cartilage in the joints. Patients would have a higher risk for arthritis and arthrosis if these diseases were in family history.
Risks for middle-aged people or older
The risks are increasing if a patient is middle-aged or older, especially for overweight people. According to the Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDCP), arthritis is more common among people aged 65 or older. The researchers define that women have higher risks of developing arthrosis. Accidents and infections can damage joints significantly and, as a result, increase the risk of arthrosis. According to the CDCP, arthritis is more common among women (26%) than men (19%) in every age group.
The CDCP informs people aged 14-44 years, where 7.1% report diagnosed arthritis. Patients aged 45-64 years report doctor-diagnosed arthritis in 29.3% of cases. In the 65 and older age group, 49.6% report doctor-diagnosed arthritis. The risk of most types of arthritis increases with age, given that it is not the only determinant.
Types of arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis can be developed at any age. For example, if systemic lupus erythematosus is diagnosed between infancy periods, the peak of the disease will occur between 15 to 40 years of age. Without multilevel facet arthrosis treatment, the bones spurs can decrease the space available for nerve roots, leading to a condition such as spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in your buttocks and legs. Fibromyalgia can happen in the middle age period, and prevalence increases with age, whereas childhood arthritis is diagnosed in people up to 16 years.
Although many researchers determine arthritis to be a condition of adults, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons believes that arthritis occurs in our musculoskeletal system more due to lack of use than to aging. That’s why, according to the Department of Health and Human Services, less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day.
Treatment options
To reduce the risk of recurrence of pain in the joints, it is necessary to:
- have a manual therapy course to decrease pain, increase range of motion, and improve function;
- prepare functional exercises to support body and joints;
- reduce the chances of recurrence with the help of self-management education.
When a patient does not feel relief, surgery, physical therapy, or follow-up treatment strategy are required. A healthcare professional can propose to a patient an arthroplasty to rebuild the joint or a total joint replacement.
How to ease your life with arthrosis or arthritis when you are under 40
Living with arthrosis or arthritis is challenging, especially without the necessary support. Still, if a patient cooperates with a doctor, there will be more chances to examine the patient’s condition, choose treatment methods, and teach a patient how to support health and live a comfortable life. If you want to know more facts about life with arthritis and arthrosis and the most efficient ways to cope with the disease, we have prepared for you the following checklist:
Manage your weight
Weight has a significant impact on arthritis symptoms. Extra weight puts more pressure on joints, especially on the knees, hips, and feet. Losing weight is a great way to improve mobility, decrease pain and prevent future damage to the joints.
Doing exercises is necessary to manage your weight, keep joints flexible and strengthen muscles around joints. If your motivation is low, it is better to do activities with a trainer or another person. In addition, it is an excellent way to walk enough to support not only your joints but also your health. We recommend cycling, water activities or swimming. -
Hot or cold therapy
Heat-and-cold treatment procedures are an efficient way to relieve arthritis pain and inflammation. The procedures can include a warm shower or an electric blanket to reduce discomfort, especially at night.
Get a massage
Massage can help you to manage joint pain and discomfort. Ask your healthcare provider to recommend a massage procedure, or even you can ask a physical therapist to teach you self-massage.
Use herbal supplements
There is a variety of herbal supplements that can reduce joint pain. The most common to treat arthritis are:
- Devil’s claw;
- Ginkgo;
- Boswellia;
- Stinging nettle;
- Thunder god vine.
Following the checklist issues, you will have more chances to stop the development of the disease or even prevent it.
Arthritis and arthrosis are conditions that involve pain and inflammation in the joints. It is a degenerative condition, which means the symptoms tend to worsen the healthcare condition over time. Moreover, only one in three adults receives the recommended amount of physical activity. Even moderate physical activity can be beneficial. Also, stretching exercises and regular strength training may slow the loss of muscle mass and stave off an age-related increase in body fat. The corresponding commitment to practice may counteract some of the effects of aging. People under 40 have to follow all the prescriptions and recommendations of healthcare, especially if they are in a risk group. Physical activity has to be essential but not optional. Stick to your doctor’s prescriptions and stay healthy!