The Truth Behind Common Breast Implant Myths

There are many misconceptions circulating about what breast implants can and can’t do. These myths and half-truths often spread fear unnecessarily and prevent women from making fully informed decisions about breast augmentation. Understanding the real facts about breast implants can help you determine if they may be right for you and what to expect realistically.

Breast implants look fake or unnatural

As technology has greatly improved, this myth is no longer true. Today’s breast implants offer women extremely natural-looking results. From advances in saline and silicone materials to a wide array of implant shapes and profiles, augmented breasts can resemble natural ones very closely.

Any plastic surgeon can competently perform breast augmentation

Most people believe this is a simple, routine procedure that any plastic surgeon can perform. However, this cosmetic surgery requires skills and expertise to deliver the safest and most visually appealing results. The techniques involved are complex and only a board-certified plastic surgeon can provide beautiful, proportional, and natural-looking breasts.

Breast implants look great forever

Although modern breast implants can preserve their look for many years, they inevitably require replacement at some point. Factors such as pregnancies, weight fluctuations, gravity’s pull on the breasts, and any physical trauma can gradually impact the position and shape of implants over time. To ensure optimal results long-term, it’s crucial to get periodic exams. A skilled surgeon can best assess the condition of your implants and determine if and when replacements may be advisable to restore a more youthful, perky shape.

You’ll see your final results immediately after surgery

Many think they’ll see their final enhanced shape and size immediately after surgery. But it takes time for implants to settle into position within the breast pocket. Swelling and compression can make implants appear too high or unnaturally round at first. Patience is required, as it takes weeks to months for implants to drop into place and for residual swelling to resolve. Avoid judging your new look too soon.

Breast implants cause autoimmune disorders

Multiple studies show silicone and saline breast implants don’t cause immune-related or rheumatologic diseases like lupus, arthritis, or fibromyalgia. Though some patients try to link their implants to such conditions, there is no evidence that breast implants trigger systemic disorders in most women.

You can’t breastfeed after getting breast implants

After augmentation surgery, many women nurse with success, particularly when the implants are placed under the muscle. Although overly big implants may constrict milk ducts and somewhat limit supply, most women may nurse with extra effort and pumping. You should talk to your surgeon about your concerns if you intend to breastfeed. In order to minimize interference with nipple sensation and breastfeeding, he or she may employ particular approaches, such as making an inframammary incision, positioning the implant beneath the muscle, or selecting a smaller implant.

Bottom Line

While myths about breast implants persist, current research shows they are safe for most women. Work closely with your plastic surgeon and follow their guidelines to avoid potential complications. Be aware of unverified claims that try to steer you away from implants.

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Libby Austin

Libby Austin, the creative force behind, is a dynamic and versatile writer known for her engaging and informative articles across various genres. With a flair for captivating storytelling, Libby's work resonates with a diverse audience, blending expertise with a relatable voice.
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