Summer is the time when a large and varied number of fruits and vegetables appear at our table. In this case, because of the heat, everything spoils quite quickly. In order to facilitate your work, there is a list of culinary secrets for storing some products.
It would seem that you can just put the food in the fridge because there it will be stored for a long time. Going on a picnic? Use a mini-fridge for storage. But it’s more complicated than that. Not every fruit or vegetable can stand the cold.
Let’s give you a few secrets on how to prolong the life of fruits and vegetables as well as common life hacks you should know about. And then there will always be fresh herbs, fruits, and vegetables in your home.
Storage of avocados
Avocado should be stored in a dark place at room temperature wrapped in a newspaper. Under these conditions, it is ideally kept fresh. In addition, the hard fruit will be soft and delicious in 4-5 days.
The right place for berries
Fresh berries (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries) require a place in the fridge. But the container in which they will lie must be a little ajar to prevent misting and rapid rotting.
Greens like flowers
Fresh herbs (parsley, dill, basil, cilantro) can be stored as flowers: put in a glass of water and keep on the kitchen table. This is both beautiful and allows herbs to last a couple of days longer than in the fridge.
Broccoli in foil
Foil is ideal for storing broccoli. Wrap a vegetable in it, put it in the fridge and it will keep its freshness longer.
Weekly banana
Wrap the top of a branch of bananas in a polyethylene bag and they will last 4-5 days longer than usual.
Pedicels up
Don’t forget that the most delicate part of a tomato is the pulp around the stalk. Store tomatoes with the stalk up, this will help the pulp not to be damaged under pressure.
Cut down
Storing a cut watermelon is not good advice, as its pulp is a great medium for germs. However, it is not always possible to eat a whole watermelon in one sitting. In this case, be sure to put it cut down so that it does not ooze. And send it to the refrigerator. The cold will prolong the life of the watermelon a little.
Separate storage
Cucumbers and watermelons are very sensitive to ethylene – the gas that triggers the ripening process. Melon, tomatoes, and banana produce the most ethylene from fruits. So keep them away from each other.
Grapes in polyethylene
Grapes are capricious enough to store fruit. The soft one is better to eat at once. And only hard grapes tightly wrapped in a polyethylene bag have chances to stay on the shelves of the fridge for a long time.
Cucumbers and cold
Each hostess has experienced that the cucumbers in the fridge are covered with white spots (usually the beginning of rotting vegetables) or dark dots on the peel. This is a clear indication that the cucumber is “cold”. The fact is that the cucumber is very sensitive to cold. Of course, it may well exist in the fridge, but avoid frosty places, put it away from the freezer.
Several recommendations
- Wash the fruit just before you eat it. Experts say that in this way they will be safer. In case you have washed the fruit, be sure to dry it well.
- The vast majority of hostesses keep their vegetables in the fridge. However, not all products are suitable for this place. Tropical and southern fruits such as bananas or melons are best stored at temperatures between 8 and 13 degrees.
- On the contrary, ripe fruit is best kept in a fridge as cold will slow down the ripening process and keep it fresh for a longer period.
- If you throw any product out of the fridge because it is covered with mold, remember to wash and disinfect the fridge. Mildew can also spoil other foods by getting on them.