1970 Years as Inspiration for the Modern Interior Style

Strange bright colors in insane combinations, bizarre forms where straight “sticks” and “bubbles” are ridiculously crossed. Mirrored plastic, reflections and curved mirrors, colored plastic jungle, lively and painted. Diagonal ornaments and op-art drawings on the walls, floor, and even the ceiling … Five years ago it was impossible to imagine all these elements in an expensive bourgeois interior, and now sometimes the more fashionable the interior is, the crazier it is. What techniques and decisions have migrated to us from that time, and which of them are at the peak of modern trends?

Wild Colors

Whether you like colors or hate them, the 1970s were an era of vibrant, sometimes wild colors and color combinations. “Burst of colors” in its pure shape is what rooms look like. Everything became color, even the toilet bowls. Avocado and orange colors, turquoise and lime, sunny yellow and lingonberry red – even the rainbow will seem relaxing in some 1970 interiors, they are much richer. Bright colors are hard to use in the interior design and it is not hard to make mistakes, to avoid this you can read this article.

Op art

Having arisen in the 60s, in the 70s it already bloomed with magnificent power. But if the designers of the 1970s experimented with this, then our contemporaries behave much more boldly: diagonally oriented geometric ornaments, rhombuses, prisms, parallelograms, hexagons, and other crazy graphics settled on the floor, walls, covered the surfaces of wallpapers, carpets, parquet, and even furniture.

Active geometry built on oblique lines, rhombuses, and prisms, optical illusions are also a clear modern trend that has returned to us from the 70s. Ordinary geometric shapes will not give even a small part of the effect that the diagonal gives.

Brass – Everywhere

It replaced the gold in the interiors: her luster is not so dazzling, her surface is aging nobler, and even if it is a “brass-like” surface, it carries a feeling of not luxury and wealth, but nobility and depth of time. And although it now seems to be used by everyone and everywhere, exclamations on the topic: “brass is out of fashion now” are premature. Its positions are only strengthened by the bright projects of leading designers and companies that entirely build their interiors on this brilliance.

Tropic and Jungle Trend

It originated with mass tourism in the 1960s, and in the 1970s became truly ubiquitous. Tropical resorts, North Africa (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco), the Middle East, in particular, Lebanon – were opened to the world in the broad sense at this time. The interiors are decorated with African masks. Orchids and palm trees, banana trees and pineapples blossomed in the interiors. In fashion – exotic sunrises and oriental carpets, “cucumbers”, arabesques, ikat. If you want to know more about the tropic motif in the interior and how to use it you can read here


Of course, the 70s were years of synthetics: women of fashion all over the world wore light faux fur coats and curled like Angela Davis hair, a llama skin or even a goat could decorate the interior of a respectable house.

The fur is artificial and natural, shaggy, and short is found in the collections of the most fashionable designers of our day.

Lounge furniture

In the 1960s, the grown children of the post-war baby boom came into the big world. Their informal lifestyle and behavior presupposed the use of not usual chairs, but sunbeds and seats, where you can lie reclining, not caring about the decency and smoothness of folds on crimped trousers and skirts. For modern people, the idea of reclining in the living room is by no means alien. The best way to search for this kind of furniture is online, for example, you can find here some lounge models.

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Libby Austin

Libby Austin, the creative force behind alltheragefaces.com, is a dynamic and versatile writer known for her engaging and informative articles across various genres. With a flair for captivating storytelling, Libby's work resonates with a diverse audience, blending expertise with a relatable voice.
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