4 Simple Ways to Help You Evaluate a Tree’s Health

You’ve got plenty of trees, but how can you tell if they’re healthy? Believe it or not, unhealthy or even dead trees can remain standing for years, which is bad news for anyone or anything that comes near them. After all, they will fall over at some point, and you don’t want to be hit by a falling tree. The best thing you can do is regularly evaluate the health of your trees. By ensuring they’re still alive and in good shape, you can avoid any unwelcome surprises.

Are My Trees Healthy?

There are four simple steps you can follow to discover whether your tree is healthy or not, and evaluating a tree’s health will allow you to take steps to nurture it back to health if the tree needs it.

1. Hire a Professional Tree Service

Sometimes, the only way to know for sure what’s going on with your trees is by hiring a professional tree service. These tree experts are typically International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified, which indicates they have a broad wealth of knowledge about trees. Bringing them in may be the only way to be 100% sure about the health of your trees. That’s because they can recognize the signs of a stressed tree early on, plus they can tell you exactly what needs to be done to make your tree healthier.

2. Look at the Leaves

Do your trees have full-sized, vibrantly colored leaves? Congratulations! Your tree is doing well. However, if the leaves do not have a vibrant green color, it’s time to examine them more closely. Whether the leaves are stunted, wilting, or showing discoloration, this could mean that your trees are experiencing stress. When a tree is stressed, there is something negative lurking in its environment. Sadly, this can lead to injuries or health problems.

3. Check for New Growth

Trees produce new buds and shoots on an annual basis. Additionally, the branches and trunks should become bigger as they continue to age. If your tree has dead branches or dead twigs near the end of the branches, this indicates your tree has become stressed. Also, keep an eye out for the presence of new shoots and buds in the spring. A healthy tree produces them, while an unhealthy tree will lead to fewer buds or even none at all.

4. Check the Bark

Have you ever noticed a tree that has peeling bark and/or large cracks in the bark? Even worse, did it happen to have unusual growth? These are signs that your tree isn’t doing well. The bark is meant to protect the tree from a number of issues, including disease, pests, and storms. When the tree is unhealthy, it will begin to peel, and it might even start bleeding. This oozing liquid has a sap-like consistency, and it’s most commonly caused by a fungal infection, insect infestation, or bacterial infection.

Regardless of its cause, it’s critical to take note of any damage or disease that is hindering your trees. By finding the issue early on, it’ll be much easier to treat your trees successfully.


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Libby Austin

Libby Austin, the creative force behind alltheragefaces.com, is a dynamic and versatile writer known for her engaging and informative articles across various genres. With a flair for captivating storytelling, Libby's work resonates with a diverse audience, blending expertise with a relatable voice.
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