You may not spend a huge amount of time in your bedroom but the time you do spend is important. A well-decorated bedroom can help you fall asleep easily and sleep better. For this reason, you need to pause and take a look at your bedroom, it may be time to implement one of the fooling 5 easy bedroom makeover ideas;
You may not want to replace all the furniture in your bedroom. The good news is that you don’t have to! Simply purchasing one of these great French wardrobes will allow you to add a touch of class to the room while providing you with a great space to store all your clothes.
These traditional wardrobes can sit perfectly in a contemporary or traditional room and will make the space seem warmer and more inviting.
The next obvious spot is your bedding. It’s comparatively easy to replace your bedding and even your curtains. In the process, you can completely transform your room, especially if the walls are already a pale base color.
There are an array of options available, from pale, one color covers that will simply soothe and relax, to bright colorful patterns that will make you feel alive. These could help you to get out of bed in the morning!
The right light is key to creating the desired atmosphere in your bedroom. Whether you are after a simple bright light to do your makeup by, or a dimmer switch that helps you to set the right mood, you’ll find there is a perfect solution.
A dimmer switch is a great idea for any bedroom. Choosing a light fixture can be more complicated as there are hundreds of potential choices. You may simply need to choose the one that you love the most and work with it.
Alternatively, you can choose a themed light fixture to help set the tone in your bedroom.
Whether you have hardwood floors or carpets the addition of the right rug, or rugs, can make a remarkable difference to your bedroom. Simply choose a bright rug to create a focal point, this will prevent people from noticing anything else in your room. That makes it the perfect bedroom makeover without having to do the entire room.
The best place for a bright rug is usually at the bottom of your bed if you have the room. However, this ill depend on where your bed is situated, you may prefer to place it by the side of the bed, where it is most noticeable when people enter the room.
This is also an easy makeover but a little more time consuming than the other options on this list. You’ll need to protect your existing furnishings in order to repaint the walls. It’s a good idea to opt for a pale or pastel color as this facilitates a good night’s sleep.
However, if you want to add some extra color then create one feature wall, it will transform the room.