Are you looking for an alternative to the flooring you now have in your home gym? Choosing the right material can offer everything from health benefits to cost savings. Take note of the following six benefits of adding rubber surfacing to a home gym space.
1. Increases Your Safety
Balance exercises, weightlifting, yoga, Pilates, and basic calisthenics require sturdy, reliable posture. Unfortunately, the typical home flooring isn’t designed to give you solid footing. Its job is to make it easier to walk on, which means offering as little resistance as possible.
Some people do the best they can with an exercise mat, but even the best mat can slide or wiggle out of position, leaving you vulnerable to slipping. You never have to worry about that problem with a full rubber surface in your exercise space.
2. Raises Your Comfort Level
Sticking to an exercise program can be challenging even when you feel your best. Don’t stack the odds against you by working out under harsh conditions. For example, medical experts frown on using hardwood floors, concrete, and carpeting for workout areas.
Instead, they recommend using a padded surface. Your feet, ankles, hips, and back will thank you when you perform burpees and extended floor exercises.
3. Provides Protection for Hardwood Floors
Dropping a dumbbell onto a hardwood floor can mean costly repairs. Keep your expensive floors safe and in excellent condition by covering them in rubber.
You won’t have to worry about cleaning shoe marks after every workout. You also won’t have to fret about the potential damage heavy equipment is doing to your vintage oak floors.
4. Reduces Noise
Rubber flooring in your home gym will instantly make you more popular with the other members of your family. If you live in an apartment, neighbors will thank you.
Sometimes, it’s difficult to perform as vigorous a workout as you’d like without creating noise. But a rubber surface absorbs sounds from jumping feet, heavy equipment, and even your favorite workout music.
5. Makes Cleaning Easier
No one likes to talk about it, but exercise produces dirt and sweat that collect in your workout space. Together, they can discolor your hardwood flooring or carpeting.
More importantly, they can also present a health hazard. They can help create conditions that lend themselves to the growth of mold and mildew, unwanted additions to your gym that can cause breathing problems and persistent odor.
Fortunately, rubber flooring isn’t the ideal host for mold and mildew. Using rubber flooring can ease your cleaning chores while protecting your health.
6. Endures and Lasts
If you exercise on a carpet, you’ll soon find yourself needing to replace it. The more use it sees, the more it compresses. After a while, it refuses to spring back to life. The result is a carpet that looks years older than it is.
In contrast, a rubber surface installed by experts will outlast most fitness trends. You can look forward to enjoying your workout room flooring for years to come. Meanwhile, you save the expense of replacing worn-out carpeting.