The variety of modern polymer coatings allows to solve almost any problem on the arrangement of polymer flooring.
How to make a filler floor?
Before you begin to choose a filler floor, you need to answer a few questions.
- What is the purpose of your room?
- What is the condition and quality of the base (concrete brand)?
- What are the planned mechanical loads on the floor?
- Will there be any chemical effects on the floor?
- Does the floor need decorative effect?
- Are there any special requirements (antistatic, anti-slip, etc.)?
To make a poured floor, you need to know that the most important thing is to correctly define the requirements for the floors and the resulting correct choice of materials.
The majority of protective and decorative floor coverings are made on the basis of polyurethane and epoxy compounds.
Polyurethane floors
Polyurethane floors are characterized by very high resistance to both mechanical and chemical stress. Polyurethanes have high elasticity, which allows their use where serious deformation and impact loads are possible. Polyurethane coatings are also resistant to low temperatures and successfully withstand high temperature fluctuations.
Polyurethane floors are recommended for rooms with constant vibration or floor mobility, as well as rooms with severe abrasive loads.
Objects of application of polyurethane coatings:
- food industries (butter factories, meat processing plants, fish processing).
- production halls (mechanical engineering, machine-tool construction, woodworking)
- agricultural facilities (greenhouses, greenhouses, rooms for animals and birds)
- warehouses, terminals, exhibition and sales halls
- industrial refrigerators, freezers, vaults
Epoxy floors
Epoxy floors have excellent resistance characteristics to chemically aggressive substances such as solutions of salts, alkalis and acids, electrolytes, gasoline, machine oil, etc. Epoxy floors in San Jose differ from polyurethanes in less elasticity and more brittleness. Therefore, do not use them where it is possible to impact the floors.
Epoxy floors can be recommended for rooms with high mechanical loads and high intensity of liquids (including aggressive).
Objects of application:
- food, pharmaceutical, chemical industry
- retail, storage, utility rooms, “wet” shops
- schools, kindergartens, medical facilities, consumer service facilities
What does the choice of floor depend on?
Polyurethane floors are characterized by very high resistance to both mechanical and chemical stress.
The choice of the filler floor is made depending on the technical characteristics and operational purpose of the room.
The choice of polymer flooring is influenced by the following factors:
- The condition of the existing base and conditions of work:
- floor base – material (type, strength), construction (composition, networks), evenness;
- additional details – foundations, adjoining the walls, mortgage elements, seams;
- base defects – cracks, potholes, contamination, areas with reduced strength;
- working conditions – temperature, humidity of the base, air humidity, terms, environmental requirements.
- Design conditions of operation of poured polymer floors:
- mechanical loads – static, dynamic (pedestrian, wheel, vibratory), impact;
- temperature loads – heating (during operation, washing, cleaning, solar radiation), cooling (during operation, on the border with the street, in winter), temperature fluctuations;
- chemical effects – type (acids, alkalis, solvents, oils, fats, salt solutions), concentration, volume, frequency, intensity;
- special requirements – flatness, surface texture, anti-slip properties, flammability, aesthetics, decorative effect.
Whatever choice of floor you make, it is desirable to always make the concrete impregnation, as this is the most important operation in the construction of floors.