High-rise buildings and multistory apartments face a lot of distinct problems that cannot be detected from a lower height. For starters, the effect of wind and rains can be far more critical on high-rise buildings than a normal five-story building. Apart from that, fire resistance is another point of concern for these heightened structures. To make sure this doesn’t elevate, claddings are used on multistory buildings. If you are planning to build a high-rise apartment or you are residing in one, you should know this. Read on to know why cladding is a necessity for high-rise buildings.
Weather Resistance
Sweet breeze and sprinkling rainfall seem romantic and poetic but when the extent of the same wind and rain increases, it becomes a problem. The same is the case with high-rise structures when the height of a bulking is more than the normal, the wind and rains affect the structure’s strength, and to avoid this, Metal Composite Panels (MCP) is used to cover the exteriors of the building. These composite panels are made up of metals such as aluminium, copper, or zinc. Two sheets of such metals are used and the core material of polyethylene or polystyrene is used as a sandwich filler material.
Fire Resistance
When it comes to a high-rise building, the risk of fire not only affects the building itself but also the neighboring structures as well. When such an incident happens, the radius of fire can be devastating and that violates the safety standards of a multistory structure. To prevent such incidents, Aluminium Composite Cladding panels are useful because they can prevent the spreading of fire and the core material avoids the host building from criticizing the hazard. Apart from metal composite panels, materials such as wood, marble, and granite can also be used as a cladding surface for high-rise structures.
Aesthetic Value
Along with safety measures, claddings also add a character to the building. Cladding materials such as vinyl and wood can increase the aesthetic value of the structure while protecting it from outer elements. Cladding materials can be used to increase the insulation properties of the building as well. For instance, when a building has an additional cover of cladding, the outside noise and dusting don’t affect it. This means that claddings are a means of soundproofing and hygiene as well. Many such advantages can be offered to a structure when it has the cladding of the right materials.
Apart from these features, a building with cladding has a certain immunity from direct sunlight which helps it to retain the original look and shine for longer periods. Make sure you look into cladding materials before selecting one to ensure proper safety of the building and the people in it.