Pets are human companions. Petting bearded dragons and a tarantula can seem daunting, but when done right, it is easy as they are calm and pretty laid back. However, you must be careful when handling your pet tarantula as they have a venomous bite. As such, you must be armed with all the information needed to handle the two pets safely.
And now the big question is, Can you pet a Tarantula and a bearded dragon simultaneously? In this article, we’ll explore all you need to know if you are considering petting a tarantula and a bearded dragon.
Basics of Petting a Tarantula and Bearded Dragon
Before adopting or buying the two pets from breeders, you must understand that the two reptiles have varying characteristics, and their needs differ. For instance, a bearded dragon needs more space to move about than a tarantula which needs a little corner.
You must also understand that their diets and the temperature within their enclosures differ. For example, bearded dragons thrive under warmer temperatures, whereas tarantulas thrive under cooler conditions. The only similarity is that both reptiles should be handled carefully to avoid causing injuries.
Creating an Ideal Environment for Both Pets
Now that you’ve decided to keep both, you must create an ideal environment. Some things to consider are the size of their enclosures, temperature within, lighting, ventilation, substrate, and water.
Bearded dragons
Since bearded dragons grow to 45 cm, they’ll need a sizeable vivarium measuring about 120cm long*60cm high*60cm wide. This ensures you don’t need to keep changing the tank as your dragon grows.
Ensure the vivarium is well-ventilated and filled with reptile-safe substrate, sand. Accessorize the tank with rocks and branches. The highest temperature within the tank should be 38 to 42°C and 22 to 26°C at its lowest. You can use a Fluorescent UV tube to provide lighting ranging between 10 and 12%.
Tarantula thrives in dry and well-drained soils. You’ll find them in deserts and grassland areas. Most tarantulas are ground dwellers who love to create their homes on trees, cliffs, and caves. If you have a farm, you’ll find them hiding in crops like bananas and pineapples.
When petting a tarantula, you must create a similar environment to its natural habitat. And since they are small, they only need a little space. Get a 20-gallon tank and place it in a quiet corner of your home. Ensure the area doesn’t get too much light, which stresses them out. Ensure the tank has a tight-fitting lid to prevent your tarantula from escaping.
Place a soft substrate, like coconut coir, on the tank’s floor, and add a few rocks and logs. The temperature within the tank should range between 70 and 85°F.
Foods Provide The Best Nutrition For Bearded Dragons & Tarantulas
When feeding your pets, you must plan their diet separately. First, however, you must ensure they get all the nutrition needed.
Bearded dragon
Bearded dragons are omnivorous, meaning they feed on meat and plants. Therefore when planning their diet, you must include greens, vegetables, proteins, and fruits. Their meals must contain 25 percent meat and 75% greens.
Some foods you can give your bearded dragon include dubia roaches, super worms, crickets, and earthworms. As for the greens, vegetables, and fruits should comprise grapes, bananas, blueberries, kale, and collard greens.
Tarantulas are carnirous. And in the wild, they are hunters, feeding on any prey that comes their way. Their diets primarily consist of insects and other small animals. However, in captivity, tarantulas feed on crickets, dubia roaches, tiny spiders, super worms, giant mealworms, silkworms, and waxworms.
You can also breed small lizards, snakes, and mice to feed your tarantula. Since worms have a high-fat content, feed them to your spider sparingly.
You must consider your pets’ growth stage and feed them accordingly. In addition, you must buy live pet food from reputable sellers to avoid giving your pet contaminated food.
Safety Measures When Handling Your Reptiles
Unlike cats and dogs, reptiles need you to be extra careful when handling them as they react differently to tactile sensations.
Bearded dragon
Although they are very friendly with their human parents, they should be handled carefully. You should wear a dragon when handling reptiles because of the potential presence of Salmonella bacteria. And when lifting it, support its body from underneath, between the fore and hind limbs. And take care not to squeeze them tightly.
You must wear gloves when caring for a tarantula to protect yourself from the urticating hairs. Handle the spider gently to avoid damaging its legs or triggering its venomous bite.
Tarantula can sense the tiniest bits of vibrations or air currents. Therefore, do not sneeze or breathe heavily when handling a tarantula. This may cause them to freak out, and their response would be to flea or bite.
Spiders have a very fragile exoskeleton, so exercise caution when holding them. Avoid touching their sensitive organs, such as the eyes and don’t pull or hold any appendages as it may result in injuries.
Precautions to take when petting a tarantula and bearded dragon
- Ensure you have plenty of space to house both pets in their aquarium. This ensures they are not placed in cramped-up tanks.
- Never leave both reptiles together unless you want to find one dead. However, since a bearded dragon has a habit of feeding on critters and small animals, the size of a tarantula might be tempting.
- Note: Since a tarantula is poisonous, your dragon might end up dead after a venomous bite. Therefore, keep them in different locations if you want to pet them. Timely treatment might save your dragon.
- Wear gloves to protect yourself.
- Keep your pet’s environment clean.
Final Thoughts
Petting a tarantula and a bearded dragon can be intimidating, but when you know how to handle the two pets safely, you will have a fun experience. Ensure you have all the items needed to care for each of their needs.
This ranges from setting up their aquarium environments, providing the proper nutrition, and taking safety precautions when handling them. Having each animal’s care guide at your fingertips is crucial to petting them simultaneously.