Six Things You Must Never Feed Your Dog

As a responsible dog owner, one of the first things you need to learn are the food options available to your dog. In many cases, a dog will have an appetite for food that is not good for them to eat. Though it is impossible for you to completely control everything they decide to put in their mouth (because you cannot supervise your dog fit every second of the day) you can play a big role in minimizing the conscious provision of foods that are very bad for dogs to eat.

In this article we look at six foods you should never feed your dog and why.


Some dog owners have found it funny to provide alcohol to their dogs and watch their dogs become intoxicated and then enjoy watching their dogs trying to walk and play whilst under the influence of the alcohol. This is not only unhealthy for your dog but an unethical act for you to commit as a dog owner.

Alcohol has the same impact on a dog’s brain and body as it does on a human. But what is important to keep in mind is that a dog’s body mass will typically be a lot less than that of an adult human therefore they will experience the impact of alcohol a lot quicker on a lot smaller dose of alcohol than an adult will.

Giving alcohol to your dog could cause them nausea, diarrhoea, or make them vomit.


Unfortunately for dogs, it is not good for them to eat chocolate. \Many dogs likely receive small chocolate treats from their owners at times, and though a small amount on a rare occasion is not likely to cause them significant damage, in general, chocolate and other milk products are not good for dogs to eat.

Dogs do not have digestive systems that are optimized for processing milk products that humans tend to enjoy. As a result, feeding your dog chocolate or other milk products can lead to them vomiting, or experiencing diarrhoea – so it should be avoided.


Croissants are an amazingly delicious food that incorporates many different flavours and textures that many people love. The bad news for dogs is that many of the ingredients used to make a croissant and not good for them and as a result dogs cannot eat croissants. Given croissants are made primarily out of butter and then complemented with further milk products such as cheese and sometimes even chocolate, this amount of dairy is overwhelming to the dog’s digestive system. If your dog does eat a croissant or two, you are likely to see symptoms such as vomiting, and diarrhoea.

Garlic and Onions

Some of the items included on this list will cause a dog some temporary upset, but they are likely to recover soon after and not have any ongoing effects. But some of the other items including this one could have a significant negative effect on your dog and cause real health issues that may need emergency intervention. Garlic and onions do not just give your dog a sore tummy but act as a toxin that can strip the lining of their insides leading to diarrhoea and vomiting with traces of blood. If your dog does eat some garlic or onions accidentally you must call a vet straight away and ask for further guidance.

Yeast Dough

With yeast dough, it is not so much the ingredients that are potentially problematic to your dog, but the nature of the chemical processes underway within the dough that could be problematic.

If your dog eats some dirt where the yeast is still active then this story could expand inside your dog’s stomach. This expansion could be quite painful for your dog to experience and may lead to significant bloating. This is another example of an item that you should consider extremely seriously and be in contact with a vet as soon as possible if you discover that your dog has had access to, and eaten yeast dough.


Xylitol is one more example of an ingredient that is very dangerous to your dog’s health.

Xylitol is found in many products consumed by humans, especially sweet products such as candy, gum and even toothpaste.

In many species including dogs, it can also trigger a significant release of insulin which can overload a dog’s liver and lead to toxicosis. If you notice any signs that you think indicate your dog has entered toxicosis you must call a vet immediately.

Final Thoughts

Though it is not good to feed your dog any of the six items included in this article, the first three discussed are more likely to have a short-term negative impact on your dog’s well-being, whereas the last three discussed could have significant and permanent health side effects for your dog.

Though we recommend avoiding giving your dog any type of dairy product – when it comes to garlic, yeast dough and xylitol it is something you must be vigilant about.

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Libby Austin

Libby Austin, the creative force behind, is a dynamic and versatile writer known for her engaging and informative articles across various genres. With a flair for captivating storytelling, Libby's work resonates with a diverse audience, blending expertise with a relatable voice.
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