It would appear natural to prefer a mattress based on its looks. However, in the case of a mattress, looks can be deceiving. You should always strive to know the actual quality of a mattress. Doing a real trial of the mattress can tell you so much about its quality and sturdiness. The very act of lying down on the bed and having a real feel of the same may tell you a lot about the comfort level of the mattress for your body. Here are few tips to help you choose the best mattress for your needs:-
1) Number of Coils, Number of Turns: According to experts, the best quality mattresses should contain a minimum of 350 coils for a full-size, 480 for a queen, and 580 for a king size one . Further, each coil should be ‘turned’ at least five times in each loop.These specifications are not obvious. But if you ask the vendors about it, he will happily tell you details. Moreover, you can also know about these specifications in the online manual of the mattress at vendor’s website. For example, by reading the Ecosa mattress review you can be pretty sure as to whether a particular brand is best suitable choice for you or not.
2) Your height matters
Ideally, a mattress should measure at least six inches longer than the tallest person sleeping on it. This would ensure that each member of the family can sleep on it comfortably. Moreover, a tall mattress also provides room for sufficient width space hat can accommodate more than two family members with ease.
3) Medium-Firm Is Just Right for most people: If your mattress is too firm, it will not be able to support your body evenly and may cause discomfort at the most substantial points (hips and shoulders). If it is too soft, there is the risk of person sinking into the bottom and having difficulty in moving, which could cause tingling, numbness, or aches. Using a firm mattress will protect users from such discomforting issues.
4) Hot Sleepers require heat retention
The bodies of several people have a natural tendency to become warm during sleep, which results in breathlessness and sweat. If you are one of them, you should consider a foam mattress that retains heat well and have an open-cell construction for maximum breathability. This is essential not only to have a sound sleep but also from health’s point of view.
5) Testing the mattress :
Most reputed brands offer to their customers the chance to test the mattresses in detail. While trying out the mattress, you should lie comfortably at least for five to ten minutes minutes on it to have a real feeling of the actual comfort. Trying this resting test with pillow will be more effective as it would provide a real feeling of the mattress you would get when using it at home. This would be the best test for choosing the right mattress for you.
6) Replacing The Box Spring,
Many experts say that while replacing the mattress, you should also replace its box spring also. It is because over time, the constant compression of the springs start affecting the the structural integrity of the box spring. However, this is not the gospel truth. In a survey, majority of the people were found to be sleeping better just with the replacement of mattress that is without replacing the box spring. So the rule of thumb is that it is not always necessary to invariably change the box spring if it s not broken. In other words, your sound sleep depends upon using the right mattress and there is no proven link between a mattress and box spring that would warranted their simultaneous replacement.