What are Olympiads?
Olympiads, otherwise called Olympiad tests, are an assortment of cutthroat tests held for understudies through Classes 1 to 12. Olympiads are led on public just as worldwide even out and support understudies from a comparative scholastic classification or level to partake. Olympiads, be it on a public or worldwide level, are probably the hardest test to break. The renowned tests clear ways for school understudies to shape a serious mentality and permit them to evaluate their insight and comprehension of the specific topic among their companions. Olympiad grant holders regularly are offered an upper hand as far as applying to higher courses of study. Besides the academic evaluation and benefits.
Objective of Olympiads
Various Olympiad tests are directed in India. Albeit every Olympiad test has a decent arrangement of destinations, the general target of Olympiads incorporate the accompanying:
- To upgrade the understudies’ thinking, abilities, and consistent capacity taking an interest in something very similar.
- To empower understudies to have intense information on the subject(s) for which the Olympiad test is being directed.
- To provoke the curiosity of the partaking understudies scholastically and on the occasions and happenings throughout the planet.
- To guarantee that understudies have a healthy and all-around improvement while in school.
- To give the understudies a chance to know the higher investigations educational program and what the cutthroat test situation resembles on a public and global level.
Advantages of Olympiad Exams
Olympiad tests are extremely renowned all alone, and their advantages are various. To adequately articulate it, the advantages of Olympiad tests can be summed up in the accompanying way:
- Students who participate in Olympiads know the worth of top-to-bottom comprehension of realities and ideas included, particularly yet not restricted to Science and Mathematics Olympiad tests.
- Olympiad tests permit understudies to sharpen and refine their scientific and coherent thinking abilities as the test design is generally centered around something similar.
- A nitty-gritty evaluation of a specific understudy’s solidarity just as shortcomings is given by the Olympiad tests. Understudies can understand their latent capacity and work on the spaces where they can get better.
- One of the significant advantages of Olympiad tests is that they permit understudies to investigate and apply the ideas they have learned in schools as a piece of their academic educational plan which permits understudies to be more certain when they approach higher courses of study.
- Given that Olympiad is directed both broadly and universally, understudies can know the educational plan their friends seek after on the two levels, which guarantees that understudies can upgrade their capacity to fathom the topic furthermore work on the abilities needed to take part in such rivalries.
- Olympiad tests offer a large group of remunerations and grants, which can guide understudies in developing and supporting their capacities.
Many understudies throughout the planet have profited from the educative, enlightening, and evaluative projects of SOF.
These serious tests work on understudies’ legitimate thinking and information and set them up to confront true difficulties.
How to Prepare for Olympiad
Every student faces this dilemma of whether to write a new exam during their board exams and lives in fear or exam preparation as not scoring well in these exams would be a major demotivator. One should keep aside such assumptions and forget about the results. What a student can remember is the fact that since the portions of the Olympiad and the board exam would be the same, one needs to approach this as any other mock examination.
What mainly Olympiads do is push the students to think bigger and apply the concepts. The Indian Talent Olympiad also understands the pressure students usually face and has prepared an Class 5 IMO Question Paper 2013 workbook with questions, answers and explanations to those answers so that students can equip themselves with a comprehensive understanding of their solutions.
The duration of the test is 45 minutes wherein participants are expected to solve 50 questions choice based. These exams are conducted in December and February, based on the student’s confidence and preparation level one can decide when they want to give the exam.
All thirteen chapters of the Maths textbook basically comprise the entire portion of the Olympiad. It is important for every student to be thorough with derivations, concepts and their applications given in the NCERT exercises. As and when a student completes the chapter, it would be a good practise if the student adds formulas, theories and methodologies related to that chapter in the form of a mind-map and revises them on a day-to-day basis.
Additionally, it’s a must that the student also familiarises themselves with the previous year question papers of at least five years to get a clarity as to which chapters the student needs to focus on concept building. It is very easy to find previous year sample papers as it can be found on the Indian Talent Olympiad’s
official website or other ed-tech sites, students are advised to have a mentor and group up so that they can learn from one another rather than only relying on the teacher.
To start with the student can start reading chapters and forming concept notes, once these are done the student can also look at the chapter summary and add notes accordingly. After every chapter the student is advised to solve multiple choice questions available online for free on multiple ed-tech websites to get a
hold of the pattern of questions. Internet is a big arena and it is natural for one to feel lost in the web, but remember its always a choice, one needs to be mindful of their goal and not end up getting distracted. Prepare a timetable and stick to it
so that students can track their progress over time rather than working on a random basis. Sticking to a schedule and developing a routine will also train the student’s brain not to get lethargic and forget its duty.
After all, we have heard this a million times from everybody around us that practise makes man perfect. This is highly relevant and applicable for Mathematic students. Taking mock tests online or practising tests physically, entering into discussion on topics and clearing doubts is the best way to channelize the student’s energy at this point of time until the Olympiad is attempted.
It is equally imperative to be in touch with teachers and sit with them for concept clearing. Always have a notebook with you when you are getting your doubts cleared so that you have a record of what you remembered before the doubt was cleared.
Most importantly it is essential that a student learns to relax throughout this period because burn-outs are real. If you exhaust your energy without taking mindful breaks and relaxing, there is a high tendency that you might lose the motivation required to face the exam. Pick up a sport or an instrument, read a book or go out to play. Do not stay glued to your screen or books the entire day. Find a way to relax in a way that makes you feel energised after the activity is done. After all, it is only an exam and life is much more than exams.