When the cold season approaches, it is important that the well-being at home is safeguarded by a well-functioning and efficient heating system.
In order for the boiler to remain functional and active, it is advisable to subject it to checks and maintenance consistently. Education is key. All homeowners must know what equipment they have installed at home and what to do when it is time to service it. Whether you’re interested in one or you’re not quite sure what they are and how to proceed, the following article is the perfect place to start grasping the basics so you can make the best decision on installations and maintenance moving forward: https://iheat.co.uk/boiler-help/whats-is-a-combi-boiler.
Boiler revision: what it consists of
Obligatory overhaul for all boilers, which therefore does not depend on breakdowns or exceptional anomalies but must also be carried out when everything seems to be normal, consists of two parts: routine maintenance and smoke control.
Ordinary maintenance consists of reviewing and checking the most used parts of the heating system, and therefore more at risk of degradation: for example fans, electrodes, the combustion chamber, the gasket.
Then a general cleaning of the appliance follows.
The purpose of the smoke control is to examine the boiler’s energy efficiency, and consists of a test that allows you to check the burner regulation, measuring the draft values and the temperature of the combustion fumes.
On the same occasion, the polluting values and the safety and energy saving parameters are also determined. It should be noted that the smoke control does not only concern boilers, but any heating device that supplies a power greater than 10 kW and is separated by a central system (for example pellet stoves).
A risk that could occur if the revision is not carried out is to receive sanctions: in fact, since the boiler is an important device but also dangerous if not used with due regard, the ordinary maintenance of the boiler is established by a regulation that is found.
in Presidential Decree 74/2013, in force since July 2013, which in turn follows a European Directive: its purpose is to regulate the use, control and management of both summer and winter air conditioning systems.
In any case, subjecting your system to regular regular maintenance, in addition to compliance with the law, has a series of other objectives:
Avoid short-circuits of the electrical network;
Prevent any gas leaks, which could cause explosions or poisoning;
To prevent, in the rooms, accumulation of carbon monoxide, which hinders the exchange of air;
To avoid faults and malfunctions that could lead to dangerous anomalies;
Decrease pollution;
Save energy (and, consequently, pay less expensive bills);
Operate the boiler efficiently and safely.
Ordinary maintenance and control of the boiler fumes: to whom it belongs between owner and tenant
Ordinary maintenance and smoke control are operations that, although mandatory, have a cost, because they must be carried out by specialized technicians, therefore by professionals.
Therefore, in the event that the inhabited house is not owned, the doubt could arise as to who should pay this expense: the tenant (also called tenant, tenant or tenant) or the owner (or landlord)?
As stated in article 1576 of the Civil Code, the tenant is responsible for repairs that depend on alterations due to use, and not from a fortuitous event or from the excessive age of the appliance.
In the first case, therefore, ordinary maintenance and fumes control (also called “energy efficiency control”) are included, which therefore must be paid by the tenant, as well as small occasional repairs of faults due to use, the seasonal ignition and plant set-aside at the end of the cold season.
Instead, the cost of replacing the boiler is at the expense of the landlord when its operation is no longer efficient due to the age of the appliance or by accident, as well as the replacement of components when they break for the same reasons, not dependent on abnormal use of the boiler, the costs of any adjustments to the law.
Obviously, instead, all the repairs of damages due to irregular use of the boiler or, in fact, to the absence of ordinary maintenance or negligence are borne by the tenant.
Obviously these are general indications, which do not apply if the rental contract states otherwise, following an agreement between the owner and the tenant.
In the case, instead, in which the heating is centralized inside a condominium, the subject that has the responsibility to request the ordinary maintenance is the administrator.
When to do routine boiler maintenance? Annual or biennial?
By simply using your intuition, you might think you need to order for a boiler service every year or every two years.
In reality, the periodicity with which maintenance must be provided to your system is indicated in the booklet which is attached to the appliance when it is purchased, supplied by the installation company.
The aforementioned booklet is mandatory from 2016, is composed of single cards that can be assembled and is a documentation that must be provided and kept with care, under the responsibility of the owner of the building or the condominium administrator in the case of central heating.
In addition to containing the technical indications and the data of the device, it is also necessary to record all the interventions carried out, both ordinary and extraordinary, starting from the first start-up. In the case of checks by the municipality or by the relevant bodies, it must be shown, as well as the various invoices received.