Working Mom Life Saving Ideas

Being a mom is a full-time job on its own. Now, trying to balance being a full-time mom and a full-time employee is tough, and when you add that to the fact that there’s also a load of work to be done around the house, things can easily get out of hand. The constant juggling between chores and running around, tending to all the different needs your family has will leave you exhausted on a daily basis, which could lead to burnout if you’re not careful. Fortunately, there are different ways you can optimize your time and make your life easier. Here’s just a couple of ideas to get you started.

Ask your kids to pitch in and help with the chores

When it comes to keeping your home clean and tidy, the best strategy is to divide and conquer. No mom needs to do all the work by herself, especially the ones who work full-time. Chores equal responsibility, and if you’ve got kids who are old enough to help keep your house spick and span, you should consider assigning them tasks that are appropriate for their age. Of course, you can’t expect them to do it the same way you would, but it doesn’t have to be perfect – it just needs to be done. Participating in these activities will teach them valuable lessons, and it’s a good idea to give them an allowance as a reward for a job well done.

Embrace the magic of meal prepping

Being a working mom means you’ve got little spare time, and no one wants to spend those precious couple of hours sweating over the stove (unless you really enjoy cooking, that is). That’s why you may want to give meal prepping a chance – pick a day of the week when you’ll prepare multiple meals in advance and store them in the fridge or freezer using reusable containers. When it’s time for dinner, simply defrost the meals you’ve prepared the day before, and voila – you’ve got a delicious, hot meal on the table in a matter of minutes! It’s pretty much like a magic trick, and it also saves you loads of money you’d otherwise spend on take-outs and trips to the restaurant.

Do your grocery shopping online

In this day and age, it’s silly not to take all the advantages we’re given, especially when we’ve got so much work on our hands. Gone are the days when moms had no choice but to take all their kids for a hectic trip to the supermarket, trying to suppress their urge to grab all the sugary delights they can, all while keeping an eye on their children. Technology has made it possible for all working moms to simply select the items they choose while browsing an online store, place an order, and have all their food and groceries delivered to their doorstep – whenever it’s convenient for them. Try this yourself and watch as your life gets a whole lot easier.

Hire help to take some load off your shoulders

As much as we like to think of ourselves as all-powerful and indefatigable, the truth is, oftentimes we bite off more than we can chew. It’s hard to keep everything under control, and women need to realize that and understand that it’s okay to ask for help. If you need help with the kids, don’t hesitate to ask around – look for in home child care services and find a qualified educator. Need help with cleaning as well? Hire a cleaner. Doing this will take a load off your shoulders and free up some time slots in your schedule you can use to spend quality time with your family or catch up with an old friend over a cup of coffee.

Use a summer lunch program (or donate to one)

Many children the world over don’t have the opportunity to have three square meals—or even a single meal—each day. That’s why some charities are dedicated to feeding hungry kids. Whether you need to seek help from such an organization or are in a position to donate to one, their cause is crucial to feeding children all over the world.

Do your best to minimize housework

The dishes, the laundry, the ironing – most working moms dread the thought of having to deal with housework. While dividing up chores might help, you can always take it a step further. Instead of waiting for the work to pile up during the week, divide your chores into small chunks you can tackle daily. Make it a habit to do certain things at a certain time of the day, and invest in appliances that make life easier. Load the washing machine first thing in the morning. Put your meat and veggies in a slow cooker and move on to the next chore. After a big meal, place your dirty dishes into the dishwasher and be done with it. Hate ironing? Buy clothes made from fabrics that don’t wrinkle as easily and put your clothes on hangers after washing instead of folding them. Do your best to minimize housework and you’ll be amazed at how much time you’ll save.

Being a working mom isn’t easy, and staying on top of things can be quite overwhelming sometimes. However, it’s still very much possible to re-organize your life and bring in some balance. These five survival hacks will get you back on track and help you be the best mom you can be.

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William Woodall

Hi, My name is William Woodall, and I am a person who is determined to make the world a better place. I like to be around people and enjoy adventure and challenges.
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