There are a couple of reasons why breakaway lanyards for masks are ideal for kids. First, they help keep little ones from losing their masks. Second, they help lower strangulation risks. If your child has to wear a face mask, it’s a great idea to pair it with the right lanyard.
According to health authorities, children of all ages can become infected with COVID-19. However, most of them will exhibit mild symptoms only, unlike most adults. Some of them may not even experience any symptoms, thereby making it easy for them to spread the virus.
Kids should also wear face masks, just like everybody else. This fact is especially true each time they are in public places where some people could be infected without their knowledge. However, it’s not a good idea for kids younger than two years old to wear masks. If they are too young to remove their face masks independently, they should not wear them. But if they are older than two years old, then wearing a mask is perfectly fine and a must, too.
Lanyards help make sure that kids won’t lose or misplace their masks each time they remove it to eat or drink something. These products also help eliminate the need to place face masks on surfaces, some of which could be contaminated with the deadly microbe.
But don’t pair your little one’s mask with just about any lanyard you can purchase online. To avoid risks and complications, make sure that it’s intended for a child’s use. There are certain things that you should look for when shopping for a lanyard.
Check for a Breakaway Clasp
Since lanyards are meant to be worn around the neck, its use automatically comes with risks. This is especially true if kids use them. Due to their curiosity and an endless supply of energy, their lanyards can end up being pulled or getting caught on something.
Without an adult around to spring into action without delay, it can strangle little ones, which can be just as deadly as developing severe COVID-19 complications. This situation is when the importance of the presence of a breakaway clasp comes in. Only if their lanyards get pulled or snagged, the clasp will separate, thereby immediately getting rid of the risk of children being strangled accidentally.
Just before you place a lanyard for your little one’s face mask in your shopping cart, check that it has a breakaway clasp for your utmost peace of mind. If you want, you may also buy yourself one that offers the same feature — there are adults’ breakaway lanyards for masks, too.
Opt for a Smaller Size
Refrain from allowing your child to pair his or her mask with a lanyard that’s meant for an adult. For one, most of the time, the product doesn’t come with a breakaway clasp. The sheer importance of this safety feature for kids’ lanyards cannot be stressed enough.
Even if the lanyard you have purchased for yourself came with breakaway clasps, it’s still not a good idea to hand it to your child unless it has an adjustable slider or a similar feature. When shopping for a lanyard for your child’s face mask, look for something that’s made specifically for children. A lanyard that’s too long for a child can come with increased strangulation risk. That’s because it can easily get caught on something.
Some lanyards for children are adjustable, too, just like some of the best options for adults. This feature allows for easy adjustment of the product, depending on your child’s height. The proper length also helps keep the mask from coming into contact with surfaces when not in use.
Before You Shop for Lanyards
There are masks for adults, and there are masks for kids. Similarly, there are lanyards for masks intended for kids. When shopping for one for your child, it’s a definite must that you get your hands on something that’s designed for kids rather than adults.
Lanyards for children usually come with safety features to ensure that they can steer clear not only of COVID-19 but also of being strangled accidentally. One very good example is a breakaway clasp. This nifty feature causes the lanyard to separate before the wearer, your child, ends up seriously injured just in case the lanyard gets pulled or caught in something. It can come in handy, especially if you have an active child.
Again, if your little one is younger than two years old, he or she should not wear a face mask. This is especially true if you cannot be there all the time to provide supervision.