Fifty percent of people aged 12 and over have illicitly used drugs in their lifetime.
Alcohol and drug addiction is a chronic disease that affects both the brain and behavior. It causes people to take drugs or alcohol, even when they know it’s harmful to their health and well-being.
Going to rehab is the best way to break free from addiction.
These rehab centers specialize in treating addiction and other mental health issues. They can provide you with the tools, skills, support, and hope needed to overcome your addiction and lead a productive and sober lifestyle.
If you are wondering what to expect when you go to rehab, this short and simple guide is for you.
There Will Be an Intake Process
During the intake process, you will meet with a doctor and possibly a mental health professional.
They will ask you questions about your medical history, mental health history, and current condition. They will also perform a physical exam if needed.
The doctors at Tucson based will use this information to determine the best treatment plan for you. Depending on the facility’s policies and protocols, this process can take 1 to 2 hours, depending on the facility’s policies and protocols.
Everyone Will Introduce Themselves
Everyone will introduce themselves and tell you what they do.
The doctors, nurses, therapists, and other staff members will also tell you their first names. They will encourage you to ask questions during this time.
This is so that you feel more comfortable with everyone who is working with you throughout your addiction treatment process.
There Will Be Rules About Visitors
Some facilities only allow immediate family members to come visit. Others allow friends and other family members as well.
You should also know that some facilities do not allow children under 16 years old to visit.
The facility may also have visiting hours, which are times that visitors can visit. You may need to inform your visitors about this policy before they come.
Detox Will Be Rough
Detox is the first stage of your treatment. This is where your body cleans itself out of drugs or alcohol.
It’s a hard process that can cause withdrawal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and shakes. You may also have depression and anxiety during detoxification.
Even though detox is a tough process, it will be worth it in the end. The best way to get through detox is by staying positive and being patient with yourself.
If you are looking for a place to detox safely, check out this rehab center.
Expect Medication Management
Medication is a big part of treatment. Doctors use different drugs to treat addiction.
Some medications help with withdrawal symptoms by reducing cravings and pain. Other medications are used to treat mental health issues, like depression or anxiety disorders.
You should only take medications that your doctor recommends. If you need to stop taking medication, talk with your doctor first so they can help you find alternatives or monitor the situation.
You Will Have Access to a Support System
Your support system can be your family members, friends, or loved ones. It could also be the people who work at your treatment center.
Or the other patients that are going through their recovery process.
This support system is important because it will help you stay on track during your recovery. It will help you stay motivated and encourage you to keep moving forward on your journey toward sobriety.
Expect to Feel Like an Outsider at First
When you enter treatment, it will be a new environment. This means that you will have to get used to it and adjust accordingly.
You may feel like an outsider at first and feel you don’t belong there.
But don’t worry, this feeling will pass after a while. You just need to give yourself some time to adjust and settle into your new surroundings.
Group Therapy Will Be a Big Part of Rehab
Group therapy will help you get to know other people who are going through the same thing you are. This allows you to open up and express how you feel about your addiction.
Group therapy is also good because it helps people build confidence in themselves and their recovery. It can also be a great opportunity to make friends and build relationships with other people who are also in recovery.
Individual Therapy Will Help You Work Through Your Issues
Individual therapy is a time for you to talk one-on-one with the therapist about your addiction. And how it affects your life.
Individual therapy can also be a good way to talk about some things you don’t want to tell your family, friends, or group members. A therapist will listen and help you work through whatever issues are holding you back from getting clean.
You Will Learn New Coping Skills
Aside from learning about your addiction and how it affects your life, you will also learn coping skills to help you deal with the stress of sobriety.
Coping skills can include things like exercising regularly or going for walks in nature when you feel stressed out. You can also learn how to meditate or take a class on mindfulness.
These skills will help you stay focused and calm when all you want to do is use drugs or alcohol.
Your Therapist Will Probably Assign You Homework
When you first start therapy, your therapist may assign homework to help you learn more about yourself.
This can include things like writing in a journal or keeping track of your moods. They will also likely assign you reading materials that help explain addiction and the process of recovery.
It’s important to do this work, and not just because your therapist will ask you about it.
This is part of healing from addiction. It can help you learn more about yourself and how to take control of your life again.
Family Involvement Is Huge
One of the most important things you can do to recover from addiction is to involve your family in your recovery.
They will be there for you every step of the way, and it’s important not only for them but for yourself as well. Your family can help keep you accountable, support you during difficult times, and provide structure as you rebuild your life.
The more you include them in your recovery, the better off you’ll be.
You Might Take Field Trips Outside the Facility
While you’re in treatment, it’s easy to focus on all the things that are wrong with your life. But it’s important to remember that there is more to life than addiction.
You can go on field trips, whether they’re picnics in the park or going hiking through nature trails. These trips can be a great way to get outside, enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, and reconnect with nature.
You’ll also have time to bond with other people in treatment. This can help you feel more comfortable in your surroundings.
There Is a Lot of Free Time in Rehab
You might think that you’ll be too busy with classes and other activities to enjoy your time at rehab. But there are a lot of free hours in the day.
The facility will have plenty of opportunities for you to relax, whether it’s playing video games or watching movies in the common areas. You can also hang out with other people in treatment who share your interests.
You may even take part in outdoor activities like hiking or playing sports. This is a good way of taking your mind off your problems, and it can help you bond with other people in treatment.
You Will Make Friends Fast
Rehab is an opportunity to meet new people and make friends. You’ll be able to socialize with other people who are going through the same struggles that you are.
This will give you a better understanding of what they’re going through. It will also help you feel less alone.
The social aspect of rehab is extremely important because it helps you feel connected to others. This can be especially important if you’ve been feeling disconnected from the world for a long time.
You Will Have Your Privacy
You won’t have to worry about privacy when you’re in treatment.
The staff members who work there won’t tell anyone about your personal information. You can also tell them anything that you want to keep private.
This can help you feel more comfortable and safe while you’re in treatment.
The Food Is Better Than You Think
The food at rehab centers is much better than what you probably think it is.
You’ll get three meals a day, and they’re usually made with fresh ingredients. The staff will also make sure that you have snacks available if you want them.
The food is not only nutritious and delicious, but it will also help you get back on track with your health.
You Will Work on Managing Triggers
Triggers are things that can cause someone with an addiction to use drugs or drink alcohol again. It’s important to learn how to manage these triggers so that you don’t fall back into old habits.
You may live in a sober environment and not have access to alcohol or drugs. But there are still certain people, places, and things that can trigger your cravings.
A rehab center will help you identify these triggers as well as develop strategies for dealing with them.
Expect Certain Lifestyle Changes
When you’re in rehab, you’ll be under a lot of supervision. This means that your daily schedule, diet, and activity will be determined by the staff at the center.
The changes you need to make are temporary, and they’re for your good. Once you leave rehab, it will be easier for you to maintain a sober lifestyle with the knowledge and tools that the staff has given you.
You Will Have Highly Structured Days
In rehab, you’ll have a set schedule each day. This will give you something to look forward to, as well as help structure your time.
You may be required to complete certain tasks or attend group sessions during the day. You will also have time scheduled for meals, exercise, and relaxation.
This can be an important part of your recovery process. These activities will help keep you healthy and focused.
Be Ready for Some Uncomfortable Moments
Rehab can be a very emotional experience. Many people go through difficult moments while they’re getting sober.
Other times, they have ups and downs while trying to maintain their sobriety.
It’s normal for you to feel many emotions during your time in rehab. But the support staff at the facility will be there to help you through these troublesome times.
The Staff Will Help You Create an Aftercare Plan
Before you leave rehab, the staff will help you create an addiction recovery plan. This plan is what you’ll follow once you leave the treatment center and go back home.
It will be a set of guidelines that helps keep you on track with your sobriety.
The staff will also help you connect with community resources that can assist in your recovery. This could include support groups, local AA or NA meetings, or even a job placement program.
Aftercare is a critical part of your recovery process, so don’t forget about it once you leave rehab.
Going to Rehab: Make the Experience Manageable and Positive
Going to rehab is a big step, and it’s important to make the experience as productive as possible. Being prepared for what you might encounter in treatment can help you feel more confident about your decision.
The more you know about what to expect, the better you can manage your expectations. It’s also important to be aware of how you can make the most of your treatment experience.
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