After a hard day at work, the best gift you will get is quality sleep time, snuggled in comfortable sheets and bedding. The bed is a sanctuary for almost everyone. It is the place where you de-stress, take a deep breath, and feel at home.
Sleep can become a nightmare when you own old beddings, designed for looks rather than quality and purely commercial. Only when you identify these elements that obstruct your sleep will you wake up with a happy face.
The only solution for this is using ethical bedding or eco-friendly bedding for your cot. If you haven’t heard about this term, it is high time you learn about it. Eco-friendly beddings have become the star of the town and are very much sought-after in recent times, owing to its amazing health benefits.
What Is Ethical Bedding?
Eco-friendly or ethical bedding is made using fabrics with high moisture venting capacity, antibacterial properties, and natural materials. Compared to the traditional beddings, these deviate from harsh chemicals and additives during the manufacture.
Additives like microplastics can cause harmful effects when it ends up in soil or drinking water. Polyesters and nylons are large contributors when it comes to such pollution. Eco-friendly beddings are a great alternative to commercial bedding.
Before You Choose Ethical Bedding
You have to be smart when it comes to purchasing eco-friendly beddings. Many swindlers may sell cheap beddings in the name of ethical beddings. So before you buy from any sellers, there are specific certifications that you should look for.
A few guidelines like Global Organic Textile Standard give their approval on the product once they meet the markers. Eco-friendly beddings should be organic, ethically sourced, and have the right labels. To meet these standards, the fabrics are chemically tested and are reviewed before they come to the market.
Top Choices of Ethical Beddings You Can Choose From
Material plays a considerable role when it comes to ethical bedding. Here are some materials that you can choose from.
You Can Go For Organic-Linen and Hemp
Organic linen and hemp are two classic bedding fabrics. Hemp is eight times more potent than cotton, and both are certified organic. They are made using natural fiber and are manufactured without exposure to any harsh chemicals.
Only bright white-colored hemp sheets require the usage of heavy chemicals. But you can choose more natural colors instead.
The Popular Organic Cotton
You may be using cotton from when you were a kid. It is one of the staples found in all bedrooms, and now there are organic cotton beddings. Similar to regular cotton, organic ones are also easy to use, breathable, and economical.
But the main difference between them is in the way organic cotton is manufactured. For the cotton to be organic, it should be produced chemical-free without any pesticides or fertilizers. When there are fewer chemicals in play, there is less risk for livestock and people.
That Fragrant Eucalyptus
When you read the word eucalyptus, the first thing that will come to your mind is the aroma and the texture. Though you may wonder how such elements will be apt for beddings, the manufacturers have many reasons to include it among ethical bedding.
The eucalyptus fiber is highly resistant to mold and dust; it is earthy and cooling. The plants also can repel insects and give you a feeling of relaxation. Organically grown eucalyptus plants have minimal impact on the environment.
Tencel or Modal is made from wood fibers. The wood fibers are from trees like beech and birch. It is a fabric that has a silky texture. It is shrink resistant, moisture-wicking, antibacterial, and is more absorbent compared to cotton.
To make these fabrics, recyclable and natural materials are processed so that more than 99% of water and organic chemicals can be recycled. So you get a textile that is entirely recyclable and manufactured with no impact on the environment.
Organic Latex
When you think latex, only gloves and rubber bands may come to your mind. And these are indeed not eco-friendly materials. So how does it come under ethical bedding? Contrary to other products, the organic latex used in beddings is made from rubber sap.
The saps are poured into molds to make foam for the bedding. Organic latex is naturally dust resistant, antibacterial, and resistance to mold.
You spend a good part of your life sleeping. So beddings are an essential component that you should not blindly overlook. It can affect your health without your knowledge and cause impacts on the environment as well.
Therefore learn more about eco-friendly materials and opt for ethical bedding choices from sellers who are certified and reliable.